For Language Arts this week we have read fiction and non-fiction books about bats! (Spoooooky) We started out talking about the -at word family and creating some batty -at words! This was great since last week we focused on the short a sound in phonics.
Once we had read quite a bit about bats we made Bat acrostic poems! Using the letters BATS, these kiddos wrote words or sentences on their poems to tell about bats.
Using our paint mixing brilliance we mixed black, brown and white to make different shade of bat fur. Then we painted some paper, let it dry, and used it to make our own bats!

This week in Social we talked more about the groups we belong to in our school and community. Some groups we belong to in our community would be our teams, clubs, daycares and most of all our families! To show what groups we belong to each student decorated their own lego character! They loved this!

Students are invited to bring in any objects or pictures that show what groups they belong to for show and share on Tuesdays & Thursdays.
In Math this week we started representing numbers to 20 using base ten blocks. The students are working on building their understanding of tens and ones and how they make up our numbers.
Afterwards they partnered up and called out numbers and their partner had to build that number with their blocks!

Have a wonderful Halloween!
A reminder, Wednesday next week is Early Dismissal at 2:15pm.
A reminder, Wednesday next week is Early Dismissal at 2:15pm.
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