This week we finished up our Jolly Phonics Letters a - z! This is so exciting because already these smart kiddos are starting to become emerging readers and sound out words when writing!
In Math this week we talked a bit more about one more, one less, two more and two less. They are basically pro's at this now! We also talked a bit about even and odd numbers and how we can tell if a number is even or odd.
At centers we built towers with blocks and checked if every block had a buddy (even) or if there was a block left over on their own (odd).
In Science we had previously witnessed what adding white to a colour did and this week we got to see what happens when you add black! As we added more black our colours got darker! We also noticed that they all turned more black than their original colour and our last mix experiements all looked black!
Also we have continued talking about signs of the seasons, especially Fall. This week we got to go on a Leaf Hunt!
First of course we had to make a list of ways to describe leaves: Leaves can be pointy, round, fat, skinny, sharp, soft, red, yellow, orange or brown! Once we had our list we headed outside!
There was so many beautiful leaves outside! The colours were absolutely lovely. When we came in we made some crayon rubbings on our leaves so that we could observe them and describe them.

There was no popcorn words this week! I also took time to sit with some students and have them read their words to me. If they struggled with some words I wrote practice notes home :)
See you all next week!
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