Whew, a full week! Thank you to everyone who made time to meet with me for interviews this week.
Halloween is coming up and we're getting a bit spooky over here!

In Math this week we have start to really focus on numbers from 11-20, how they look in a tens frame and their order.
Early in the week we used fuzzies to show we can count and represent numbers 11 - 20. We discussed how if we make a number in a straight line or in a circle, does that change the value? This was to reinforce that the last number said is always the amount.
Then we looked at what parts make a whole number. We would split an amount in two and see what different combinations of number parts made a whole between 11 - 20 (i.e. 16 is 9 and 7, or 5 and 11).
In centers on Friday we worked with tens frames and playdough to show numbers, played Ten Frame Memory and practiced counting up to 20.
In Science, we are taking a break from colour mixing and looking into the Fall season still. This week we talked about the weather changes that happen, what kind of clothes we wear and looked at live earth cams of places around the world experiencing fall! In the footage we could observe what kind of clothes and shoes people wear in the fall season.
In Social we are continuing to discuss our groups and which groups we belong to. Next week we will be starting a show and share.
Darren Maltais, our district Technology Leader, came in this week to give us a lesson in chromebooks! All the students learned how to log on, type their own passwords and navigate around our classroom blog.
They also had some ABC typing practice!
Next week is our Halloween Celebration! On Friday students can come to school with their costumes! After lunch we are going to head over to Salem Manor to do a Halloween Parade for the elderly residents.
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