It all started with our walking trip to the Leduc Public Library! This was an awesome way to check out some important buildings and businesses in our community! At the library the students had books read to them, enjoyed the childrens reading area, made book marks and learned how to use the Library services. They really loved it!
In Language Arts this week we are finishing up our last few letters in Jolly Phonics, J, Z, &W. Next week we will do X & Y!
We also have been working in our new Canadian Phonics books with beginning sounds! Everyone has been doing really great with this! Knowing our letter sounds is really helpful when we sound out words in our writing and journals. It always amazes me how fast they are learning!
For writing, we first read the beloved Brown Bear, Brown Bear. What do you see? I love this book and the kids really do too! It's great when they can read along with me and follow the repetitive parts of the story.
Afterwards we created our own Brown Bear books! This was a great way to see who remembers how to spell their colour words and sounding out animal names. Those who finished read their books to the whole class.

In Math this week we worked a lot with tens frames and recognizing number's formations in tens frames (i.e. what does 5 look like in a tens frame? it fills up half the frame!)
As a class we played around with tens frames and fuzzies to practice our 1 more, 1 less, 2 more 2 less facts.

Afterwards, in pairs they got to work with cards and add 1 more, etc, to their tens frames.
In Science we tested out what happens to a colour when we add WHITE! Since they already know how to tell if a colour is lighter or darker, we added white to 3 colours multiple times and came up with: White makes colours lighter!
We are excited to see our results from Part 2: What happens when we add BLACK to a colour?

This week at assembly all of the K to Gr. 2 students talked about what it is to be thankful. In Thanksgiving Spirit, Earl the Turkey came out! We helped spruce him up by adding "feathers" to his thankful tail! Each student wrote something they were thankful for this year and added it to him. He really is quite stunning!
Some Important Reminders:
No School Monday or Tuesday
Lice Checks are October 15th. If you have checked your child's hair at home please return the pink sheet if you DO NOT want them checked at school.
Parent Teacher Interviews are October 21st & 22nd
If you have not signed up yet please click here.
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