Science Project

In Grade 4 this year, students will have the option to complete a science experiment at home. They are told this must be with parental consent. 

Every year, before we begin our science units we go over the Scientific Method. At this level we look at 6 different steps: 
  • Question: based on your personal interest and knowledge, what are you wanting to research and conduct and experiment about? 
  • Hypothesis: based on what you know and have read - what is your best guess as to what will happen?
  • Materials: What items will you need to conduct your experiment?
  • Procedure: What are the steps to your experiment?
  • Observations/Data: What did you see? Collect? Record?
  • Conclusion: What did you find out from your experiment?
Image result for science bobScience Bob  is a web page I have shown them with some ideas of experiments they can conduct. However, if a student wishes to conduct an experiment from another source, please just have them O.K. the idea with me first. 

Student who complete the project are expected to complete a lab report on their experiment, including the Scientific Method we have learned in our class. They can do this on paper/pencil, in a Google Doc, or using this Google Slides template. Students will need to Make  A Copy in order to edit their own slide. 

 Again, this is an at home experiment that is optional. 

Students are encouraged to include: 
  • Pictures of progress 
  • Video
  • Drawings and Diagrams (with labels)
Once their project is complete, please have them schedule a time with me and they can present to the class their findings! 

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