Was it just me or was June an absolute whirlwind of a month? There was so much going on day to day it went by way too fast! I cannot believe the year is done. I can honestly say that every year it gets harder and harder to say goodbye on the last day. This year's crew was no different. Each child was wonderful and amazing in their own unique way and will stay in my heart and memories for years to come.
This post is going to highlight some of the projects and special events over the past month.
This was such a fun experience for all of our students! I feel like archery is always a big hit, and this year we were lucky enough to get on the water and go voyageur canoeing! This was so fun to do after working on our Life of a Voyager projects!
Here are a few snaps of our trip!
Here is a link to all the pictures taken during our trip.
Our students were immersed in the FIrst Nations Culture over the past few weeks. On Monday, we have the Ben Calf Robe school come and perform at our school.
From what I heard - as I was on crutches and not able to attend- the Cultural Showcase at Edmonton International Airport was amazing! Our own RBES student was a performer alongside his mother!
I even participated, it was not easy for this old gal!
For Mrs. K's Album from the day - click here!
(this photo was featured on Triathlon Alberta's instagram page!)
In class, we spent out last few days working on our plant e-books. The students did amazing jobs and really worked with text features and slides to create visually stunning work.
Students learned all about how contaminants get into the water and spread in an community. Then they painted some wooden fish to hang around Devon to remind people to be thoughtful of how they litter, or dispose of liquid waste!
Even with rainy weather, we had fun! Fun Day was indoors this year and we filled the halls with laughter and smiles. I was down at the Face Painting wing busy as a bee. Mrs. K will be posting pictures on the weekly update! Keep your eyes peeled!
We also had some class fun, by creating Tie Dye shirts this year! Thank you for taking the time to send in shirts with your child over the past few weeks. This was such a fun and interesting experiment! This was my first Tie Dye experience EVER! I think they all turned out pretty neat!
Due to weather, our Potter Party this year was split up! We spent some time on Tuesday and Wednesday doing various activities - reading, art, math and logic puzzles - with a twist of Harry Potter to it!
We also enjoyed some delicious treats and drink while watching our movie!
and of course.. the hardest part of the year...
I have to start this with a big THANK YOU. You have all raised amazing children, and it has been my pleasure to teach this group this year (and some even two years!). They are full of positivity, laughter and kindness. Everyday they gave me a reason to smile (and let's be honest, scowl), whether it was by telling jokes (or laughing at my bad jokes) or making up some silly song to go along with our activity. This group was constantly asking questions, wanting to know more, taking risks and reaching further. They were inspiring to each other, supportive and caring. I wish them all the best of luck in their future education journey, and they will always have a special place in my heart.
Congrats to our Athletes of the Year!
Congratulations to Sam!
This year was also the first year we had our Love of Learning Award. As the parents of this group, I am sure you can imagine how hard it was to chose one child for this award.
This year, I went with a different approach for making the video. I asked the students two questions in a video interview.
1. What was your favourite memory of Grade 4?
2. What will you miss most about Robina Baker?
In this video, I was able to fit in their favourite memories which you will see in this video. However, in order to keep it to a manageable time I was not able to fit in what they will miss. I can tell you that almost every student had a similar answer: RBES Staff and Teachers.
Mrs. K will create a video link on Youtube for our Video.

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