Every week that goes by I am so amazed by how much growth these little kiddos have made!
In Language Arts we are building our stamina with Daily 5's Read to Self. They are taking this so seriously, its fantastic! As we practice, I am introducing our Animal Friends reading strategies. This week we have talked about Eagle Eyes (using the pictures to help use figure out a tricky word), Lips the Fish (getting your mouth ready, saying the first letters sound) and Stretchy Snake (stretch out the letter sounds to figure out the word sh iiii p).
After we discuss our strategies the students go to their desks to build their stamina. Right now our goal is 3 minutes of reading the whole time, sticking to our seats and whisper voices only.
We made a goal chart to see what kinds of things we can start doing as we build our stamina.
We have also started doing a lot of writing! This is a preamble to our Work on Writing Daily 5 center. We do brainstorming and writing as a class to teach the skills for when they do independent work. So far we have written sentences about bats, things we like and our weeks at school. This week we learned how to write a list! Using our popcorn words as inspiration we wrote lists about things that are little.
In phonics we have been focusing on short vowel sounds in words and have covered a, o, and i. Next week we will be moving onto short vowel e. There is a few students who still struggle to hear the difference between e and i words.
In Math this week we are wrapping up our Numbers to 20 unit with estimating and comparing numbers to 20. Estimating is a fun skill to work with in Math. We talk about it as our best guess, we want to make a guess that makes sense. When we recognize what certain groups of objects look like (i.e. a group of ten, or 20) then we can estimate a number of objects compared to that idea.
With comparing numbers we are ensuring we know the number order to 20 and each numbers respective value.
Next week we will begin our Adding and Subtracting to 12 unit.
In Social we had lots of groups things to share! Students have brought in lots of items that represent some of the groups that they belong to.
Some examples of groups that we belong to are:
- Our Family
- Our School: Student councils, book clubs, classroom, grade 1's, etc.
- Community: Sports teams, dance clubs, gymnastics, bear cubs, sparks, etc.
In Science we discussed what Transparent and Opaque mean. Transparent is when we can see through and object and opaque is when we cant. We tested some liquids this week on the transparency.
We also added water to paint to make it become more transparent. You may have seen some of the disappearing stars show up at home!
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