All the students have worked so hard this week!

Our reading strategy focus this week was
Questioning: I can ask meaningful questions before, after, and during reading. To introduce this strategy we read the story "
This is not my Hat". As a class, we brainstormed and asked questions before, after and during the reading. During reading, to mark where and when we had our questions we used stickies with a "?" and the question on them, and then once we finished reading we went back to see if our questions were answered. The students then practiced this in their own books during Read to Self.
During Work on Writing this week the students have been experimenting with Free Writing and Looping! They are absolutely loving it so far! When we are free writing, students are encouraged to write as much as they can for short periods of time. At this time they are not worrying about spelling, punctuation or editing. Then the Looping begins! Looping is when you look at your free write, pick a word and it becomes your new topic for a second free write! It can be pretty fun for these kiddos and they can try it at home!

All grade 4 classes combined this week to create Thank You cards for the wonderful companies who helped with City Slickers this year. In pairs the students used Google drawings to fill in a template and add their own comments, images and personal touch to the electronic thank you notes!
In Math, we have covered increasing and decreasing sequences and comparing their differences. Throughout the week students we able to work in pairs and small groups to play a few math games to create, solve and extend their own sequences.
In Social we wrapped up our map unit with our Me Map projects! Using all our mapping skills knowledge students are creating their own map all about them! Their maps will include: titles, labels, cities, capital cities, 7 different landforms, legends and a compass rose. So far they are looking great!

In Gym this week the students have been working on their hopping, skipping, jumping, galloping and balance skills! After lots of practice and games, in small groups, students created their very own "Adventure Course"!
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