Friday, 9 September 2016

Gettin' Back into the Groove!

This week has been busy! We have been working hard on settling into our new routines and even making some adjustments.

We did send home information on our first field trip of the year, which will be on September 23rd.
Click here if you missed the information.

In Language Arts we will be doing Daily 5 in the classroom. So far this week we have absolutely ROCKED Read to Self! These kiddos are awesome with their reading stamina. 

We also put up our Friends Wanted posters! Students will be able to take a peak at these and get a little bit of insight into who our students are, what things they enjoy and maybe spark a conversation with a new friend!

During the week, I have been reading aloud "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". Once we finished the first chapter, students wrote and drew about one of the characters that had been introduced. 

In Math, we have been re-familiarizing ourselves with numbers to 10, 000! We compared numbers up to 10, 000 and then discussed all the different ways that we can represent them. 
- Standard form: 3421
- Expanded Form: 300 + 400 +20 +1
- Words: three thousand four hundred twenty-one
As well as, drawing and in a place value chart. 

The students got into groups of four, rolled some dice and represented their numbers in various ways! They did an awesome job working in teams! 

In Social, we launched our study for the year: Alberta! We will be discussing the changes in Alberta over the year and how it has affected our province.

We also started Current Events, where every Friday students are encouraged to bring in a news article they have already read and can summarize and present to the class. 

In Science, we have talked about the Scientific Method and its purpose. Broke it down into 6 steps: 
QUESTION: Why are we doing the experiment?
HYPOTHESIS: What is your best guess?
MATERIALS: What you need for your experiment. 
PROCEDURE: The steps for your experiment. 
OBSERVATIONS: What did you see?
CONCLUSION: What did you learn?
They might even be able to remember all the actions we created to go along! 
Students then wrote the definitions in their own words and sorted them into the proper order.

Have a wonderful weekend!! 

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