If your child is in Cross Country Club, permission forms for the Meets are now online. All information about cost and transportation will be on the forms online. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
City Slickers field trip is next Friday, September 23rd. Please pack a lunch that will be easy for the students to eat as we will be eating between locations.
This week in Language Arts, we have been working with our Daily 5 routines. The students have shown awesome stamina with Read to Self and our big focus has been to pick a Good Fit Book that will be a long term read. This will be the books we discuss or work with in our conferencing.
When picking a Good Fit book we follow the IPICK strategy:

This week we also began discussing our 40 Book Challenge. As we grow as readers it is important to broaden our horizons and expose ourselves to various forms of literature. Through the 40 book challenge, the hope is to have every student read 40 books by the end of the year from various genres. This week we discussed three different genres: Poetry, Traditional Literature and Fantasy.
The students have all created their own study notes, slides presentations, where we defined each genre as a class and researched examples. Students can show you their slide by accessing our google classroom here.
In Math, we are beginning our unit on Patterns. This our goal was to identify and describe patterns found in tables and charts. Using Calendars and Hundred charts we discussed which patterns we can identify, why or how they occur and how we can create our own patterns.
We also took some time to practice our basic math facts, which can be fun I promise! We talked through some strategies to help us when multiplying, We used skip counting and our fingers to multiply numbers 1-5 by each other. Afterwards the students tested their skills in some dice games with partners.
In Science, we have begun discussing our first unit, Wheels and Levers. We created a KWL chart about what we know and what we want to know about wheels. Students then practiced reading to someone and researching wheels and shared their findings as a class.
Next we took our Science outside! We experimented with the use of rollers to ease our effort when moving objects. Students acted as "rollers" as one student was the "log" and moved across the ground.
In Social, we have been working and discussing the process to creating maps. This week we worked on Titles, Labels, Compass Roses (including cardinal and intermediate directions) and how to use a scale.
On Thursday, Bus Safety came in! The students tested their safety knowledge through an intense game of Bus Safety Trivia! I was pretty impressed, they rocked it!
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