We also discussed Author's purpose this week. When we're talking about purpose behind writing we just think - P.I.E!
To accomplish this, we have to state our opinion (not wanting to be eaten) and suggested three other delicious animals on the farm he could eat instead (our reasoning). Their letters were all pretty hilarious in the end!
To go with our Turkey theme, in art we created TURKEYS! Using leaves from outside we painted their ridged side and used them as stamps to create lovely fall coloured turkey tails. They really brighten up our room!!!
In Math, we started to discuss pattern sequences based on attributes (colour, shape, size, etc.) and shapes. We also discussed how to find the core of a pattern and that it is the shortest string of elements that repeat itself.
In Science, we created our own cars with wheels and axles. You might have seen some of them come home! The purpose of this experiment was to see where an axle should be placed on a wheel to maximize its efficiency.
The next day they were given 3 materials: a wooden dowel, rope and a block. The students were told they had to use only those materials to try and lift the block off the ground. In less than 6 minutes everyone had completed the task!
In Social, we finished up our MeMap projects! These have turned out amazing! Students really took their times and put a lot of thought into their maps.
We also have started discussing the landforms in Alberta and will begin to learn Alberta's Land Story next week.
- School Photo orders are due Tuesday, October 11th.
- Fruit & Cookie dough orders are due Friday, October 21st.
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