Lego Contest!
Mrs. Hicks has announced our annual Lego contest! This year our theme is CANADA! The flyer with information about the event is below. Any questions, let me know!
This week in Math we have begun to discuss 2D & 3D Shapes. Students have spent time observing different 2D and 3D shapes and coming up with attributes. Then we have spent some time sorting these shapes based on how they look, feel or other attributes.
At the beginning of the week, the students read out their beginning, middle and end books of Bear's Dream to the class.
In Daily 5, we are continuing to work on our 4 centers; Listening to reading, Work on Writing, Word Work and Read to Self. Next week, during our Student Led Conferences they will get the opportunity to show you what this looks like in our class!

The students are loving Author's chair during Daily 5. This is when they get to share what they worked on with the class. This week's writing topic was, "How would you make a leprechaun laugh" and there were some pretty hilarious ideas!

This week, after our spelling pretest we worked in pairs to put our spelling words into sentences. Students had to use 3 spelling words to create a sentence that told who, what, and where.

Well our Grade 1's were not impressed! We have put out wanted signs looking for our mischevious friend! Students created a name for him (or her! We reallly don't know!) and made a plan for how they could catch him (or her!).
Important Announcements:
Swimming forms went home this week! Our Swimming lessons will begin April 20th and run for six weeks every Wednesday. Our Lessons are first thing in the morning, so please have your child come to school with their swimsuit under their clothes! We will be leaving right at the beginning of the day. Another handy thing is to pack a granola bar or snack separate from their lunch they could bring with them (as we will be missing snack at school).
The first form that went home had last years pricings for the bus. A correction letter was sent home on Wednesday.
The final total for this years lessons is $39.15.
Spring Break starts March 24th. There is no school Thursday March 24th. Classes resume Monday, April 4th.
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