Thursday, 24 March 2016

Happy Spring Break!

Even though it was a short week, we were able to get lots done!

Our community! We made little homes during science
to put on he streets and neighbourhoods. 
It was great to see everyone at the Student Led Conferences Monday night! They worked really hard to prepare all their projects and assignments to show you!
In Science, we build our cars! Before we got started we talked about how vehicles move, what shape works best for wheels and how axels help in vehicles to make them move. Then they put on their creative hats and started to build, build, build!! Thank you so much for all your donations for our supplies! 

Students also had the chance to show off their Daily 5 routines! They were able to choose a couple Good Fit Books and find a spot to Pick & Stick and practice their Reading to Self. They are becoming such independent workers it is amazing!
At Word Work they were able to show which are their favourite stations between magnetic letters, rainbow writing or stencils.
They were extremely proud of their writing and so am I! Their independent writing has come so far since September!

Acting silly too!
This week we played a new game that will be available to them during Word Work time! It is called Real or Silly? The students will be able to pick a word family, roll a consonant dice, and decide - is that a real word or a silly word? and then they chart it down into their word work books. They really took off with this and loved finding the silly words.

In Math we had a focus on 3D shapes this week and what they are and look like. We listened to the book "Captain Invincible and the Space Shapes" as an introduction to six 3D shapes: cones, pyramid, cylinder, cube, sphere and rectangular prism. Once we named them, students were in groups and examined the shapes and told all they could about them. On the board we made a large chart of all the attributes of these shapes. Using hoola hoops we sorted the shapes into 2 groups using one attribute rule.

Throughout the week they have gotten to opportunity to explore, describe and sort 3D shapes in partners and in groups.

On our last day before break, the whole school participated in an afternoon of thinking about our Mental Health. Students were paired from Grades K- 6 and ventured around the school to seven different sessions; Mindful eating,Self Care, Imagination Stations, Drama, Collaborative Art, Drumfit and Yoga.

Have a wonderful Spring Break! Remember, Raz-kids is a great way to practice reading reading reading over the break! Students should know how to log in as themselves, as they use this app during read to self every week.

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