We wrapped up our unit on Senses by discussing different limitations we have with our senses. We talked about different types of hearing loss and what assistive technology there is for those who have hearing impairments. Students also practiced their sign language! This was pretty interesting to watch them try and we've even implemented some common signs into our classroom! We now can ask to go to the bathroom using the proper sign!
We also discussed how we can have vision loss or different kinds of blindness. We looked at some colour blindness tests, tried completing small tasks without the use of our eyes and finally felt books made with braille. Each student created their name in braille using split peas and the braille alphabet!

While working on writing, we have been focusing on writing strong 5 star sentences! These are sentences that tell us who, what, where, why and have detail. We have been reading quite a few books on Polar Bears to inspire out writing - both fiction and non - fiction. We are working really hard to remember to capitalize the beginning word of a sentence only (unless its an important name or place), finger spacing and periods at the end.
In Social, we are learning how to take part in our community. As a class we brainstormed what ways we can participate in our community and give back. As good citizens it is important to take care of the community we live in to keep it beautiful and a happy place to live. Once we brainstormed ways to take part we made posters and put them up around the school.

In Math, we have been talking about showing numbers to 100 in various ways. This week we focused on representing numbers using place value. The students worked in pairs to play tens and ones horse races! The higher number gets ti go onto the race track!
Our next unit in Science is Building Things! This means we're calling for recyclables! Cracker boxes, cereal boxes, granola boxes! You got them, we want them!
Send them in with your child :)
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