- October 1st is Orange Shirt Day!
- October 5th is National Teacher's Day!
- October 5th - Fall Photo Orders are due.
- October 8th - No School, Happy Thanksgiving!
- October 16th - Photo Retakes.
- October 19th - No School, PD Day.
Rain and all we crushed our Terry Fox Walk! It was not the best weather but everyone stayed in good spirits and we did the whole walk! I am so proud of everyone for their commitment and determination, Terry would be proud! Our class alone raised over $30.00 in toonies for Terry, and to put towards Cancer Research!
Everyday we have been working on our KidBlog posts! Mondays students work on writing about their weekend in a Weekend Update! Each week we will be working on different writing skills and focuses.
The first week we worked on mapping and planning our writing before getting started. Students created webs about their weekend event, and answered the important questions of: who, what, where, when, why and how? Our planning process really has them working on collecting all the details, so when they are ready to write its already started for them! Over the year, we will work to add elaborate detail, varying sentence starters and creating a fluid and sequential personal narrative.
This week, we worked on created strong when sentence starters. To being and introduce their weekend update they began by describing the time of day, week or type of day.
stanley Fox was 22 born July 28 1958 died June 28 1981. He was born in
winnipeg! He started a marathon called marathon of hope. At 18 he
lost he's right leg!. He started in newfound land st john. He stoped at
ontaio. He wanted to raise 1 million dollers. Also he wanted to go to
vancouver. - CB Terrance Stanley Fox was a 22 year old male with bone cancer
in his right leg, but then one day he stood up and the his dream was to
run all the way across Canada. He wanted to do that so
he could raise at least 1 mil dollars as he crossed Canada. Every day he
ran about 42 kilometres (26 miles), witch is 1 whole marathon per day.
Everyday we have been working on our KidBlog posts! Mondays students work on writing about their weekend in a Weekend Update! Each week we will be working on different writing skills and focuses.
This week, we worked on created strong when sentence starters. To being and introduce their weekend update they began by describing the time of day, week or type of day.
On a calm Friday afternoon I was walking to my friends house with my
sister Sheba. When we got there we started to bake sugar cookies for
- LG
Late on a dark and bitter cold Sunday night I was up all night reading
with my Elder wand flash light while I was curled up in my warm cozy
blanket everything else was dead silent.
- SM
We have also been very busy being little WeSearchers! Wesearch Wednesday is my favourite day of the week, and with it being Terry Fox Walk on Friday, we decided to learn more about him. Our writing skill focus this week was to read through information and determine importance and jot down notes.
Before getting started, we brainstormed some questions - what would someone want to know about Terry Fox? We needed to think of our audience as someone who had never heard of him before, especially if our writing purpose is to inform.
Once we had our questions, we read through the information from Kiddle on Terry Fox to see if we could answer our questions. We created a title for our research, and discussed the proper format for taking notes.
Once students spend some time in pairs, or independently taking notes, they now were turning those notes into a summary paragraph.
This week students worked on solving problems involving time using patterns and T-Tables.
T-Tables are a great way to solve a pattern, using a pattern rule, about increasing figures. We would look at a figure made with blocks, then each time a specific amount of blocks is added to create the next figure. We practiced this first by building block patterns - but we soon found we were running out of blocks! So how else can we solve for longer and larger patterns?
Instead of drawing or building these patterns, we can use T-Tables to solve how many blocks will be needed for figures 6, 7, and so forth.
We can also use them in problems including time! As a quick review about time and calendars we had a whole class pop quiz! And they passed!
When using T-Tables to solve problems including time, we may be solving problems about saving money over 5 or 6 months. Or predicting how much time would be needed to cover distances. These were all word problems and students determine the important information, create a pattern rule and out it into a t-table to solve!
We covered relative location and scale in our mapping skills this week. Relative location was a tough one for this group! When looking at a map, we were trying to describe the location of one city in comparison to another.
i.e. Calgary is south of Edmonton.
When looking on a map, they did struggle a bit so we made it a bit more fun! We invited Dogman to travel around an amusement park, moving him around and describing his relative location to other areas on the map. Next, we moved Yoshi all around on a Marioland map! By the end of the lesson, I think we got the hang of it!
We also discussed scale on maps and how it works to help us represent distances accurately. This also ties in with measurement from math, and we had to talk about conversion of km, m, and measuring distances on maps using cm and mm.
On Friday we got together with some peer partners from Mr. Coffin's class to do our Current Events! Students will be working in groups of 2 or 3 to look up articles, summarize them and discuss how they relate to our lives.
We have done quite a bit of reading on what waste is and how it is created. As a class, we discussed that waste can be made in two ways:
- Using more of something than we need (i.e. using 3 or 4 kleenex for a little bit of a boogie nose)
- Any part of something we have used or do not need (i.e. orange peel from an orange, or carton from a juice box)
We also discussed how waste is managed in our community and how it can affect our world and environment. Looking into some countries where waste is not managed as well opened our eyes to how important it is for our future to be waste smart. Students worked in pairs to answer a quick quiz on what they read.