- October 16th - Photo Retakes.
- October 18th - Fruit Order Forms Due.
- October 19th - No School, PD Day.
- October 22-24th - Book Fair!
- October 23rd - Parent Teacher interviews.
- October 23rd - Earth Rangers Visit @ 2:00pm.
- October 31st - HALLOWEEN
This week we had our very first Book Tasting! I wish I could say I came up with this idea on my own, but I was searching for an engaging and interesting way to introduce new books and genres to students and the internet helped out!
In Grade 4, we work to try and introduce students to various genres so they can expand their reading and try out new types of books. This month students were invited to Cafe Potter, in the heart of Paris. They were greeted by the Maitre'D-elbridge and directed to the table as per their reservation.
Students were at their own table with a tray full of books in front of them waiting to be tasted! These books all belong to a specific genre, they are soon to discover.
This month our genre focus is Mystery. Mystery is a genre spread across all books; picture books, easy readers, and novels. Theses books will usually have common character roles, such as detectives, villains, or police, and will follow the similar plot of "something missing".
When students came into the room, they looked at the books in front of them from various mystery series: A-Z Mysteries, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Nate the Great, Jigsaw Jones, Jack Russell Detective, Baileey School Kids and even Scooby Doo! We looked at the covers and titles of the books to create the web above.
Next was time for the tasting! When tasting a book it is important that you look at the cover, read the back and perhaps a page or two. We're not buckling in and reading a whole book. Students were given 5 minutes to taste a book, and then 2 minutes to write in their menu what they think! Everyone did so well and really explored the different books. Each student was hoped to work through 5 books, however some only got through 3.
After the tasting, students had to list their top 3 choices. Based on these choices, I put the students into book clubs this week. Some students are reading the same book, some are in the same series (as they expressed interest in so) and some are reading various books from different series. Throughout the month, during our read to self time students will have book club meetings. On these days they will read their books and then have a designated time to meet with their club and discuss their books. This will include discussion on plot and predictions, sharing questions they may have and comparing characters. Some clubs even got started!
During KidBlog this week, students worked on perfecting their reflection piece. This is a chance for us to review our learning for the week, have students dig into their brains and try to remember what happened at school today, and express what they liked about their own learning and lessons.
This activity is a called Week in Review and we write in a 3-2-1 format. 3 things we learned, 2 things we liked and 1 question they have going forward. This writing activity has a dual purpose - it is important for students to reflect and express their preferences, but they are also working on formatting various writing forms. Our 3-2-1 is writing in list format, having students using titles, numbered lists and bolding important information.
We also started a new project, that we will return to weekly - IDIOM OF THE WEEK. An idiom is a figure of speech that people use, and it is not mean literally. It is usually used to mean something else.
This is a chance for students to work with figurative language and access its meaning. Each week we will look at a new idiom, and decipher its meaning and practice using it.
This week our idiom was - Hold Your Horses! Students had a great time working with this idiom, as I think many of them have heard it before!
Students were at their own table with a tray full of books in front of them waiting to be tasted! These books all belong to a specific genre, they are soon to discover.
This month our genre focus is Mystery. Mystery is a genre spread across all books; picture books, easy readers, and novels. Theses books will usually have common character roles, such as detectives, villains, or police, and will follow the similar plot of "something missing".
When students came into the room, they looked at the books in front of them from various mystery series: A-Z Mysteries, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Nate the Great, Jigsaw Jones, Jack Russell Detective, Baileey School Kids and even Scooby Doo! We looked at the covers and titles of the books to create the web above.
Next was time for the tasting! When tasting a book it is important that you look at the cover, read the back and perhaps a page or two. We're not buckling in and reading a whole book. Students were given 5 minutes to taste a book, and then 2 minutes to write in their menu what they think! Everyone did so well and really explored the different books. Each student was hoped to work through 5 books, however some only got through 3.
After the tasting, students had to list their top 3 choices. Based on these choices, I put the students into book clubs this week. Some students are reading the same book, some are in the same series (as they expressed interest in so) and some are reading various books from different series. Throughout the month, during our read to self time students will have book club meetings. On these days they will read their books and then have a designated time to meet with their club and discuss their books. This will include discussion on plot and predictions, sharing questions they may have and comparing characters. Some clubs even got started!
During KidBlog this week, students worked on perfecting their reflection piece. This is a chance for us to review our learning for the week, have students dig into their brains and try to remember what happened at school today, and express what they liked about their own learning and lessons.
This activity is a called Week in Review and we write in a 3-2-1 format. 3 things we learned, 2 things we liked and 1 question they have going forward. This writing activity has a dual purpose - it is important for students to reflect and express their preferences, but they are also working on formatting various writing forms. Our 3-2-1 is writing in list format, having students using titles, numbered lists and bolding important information.
3 Things I Learned:
- In math we learned Algebra
- In Blue Flame we made salsa and fruit salad
- In art we are studying Vincent Van Gogh
2 Things I Liked
- I liked writing Turkey letters
- I liked the picnic
1 Question
- What are we doing in tech block
- PP
3 Things I Learned:
- I learned about Vincent Van Gogh.
- In science I learned about decomposers, producers and consumers.
- In math I learned about algebra.
2 Things I liked:
- I liked Blue Flame and making salsa.
- I liked writing the turkey letters.
1 Question I have:
1. What will the next idom of the week wil be?
This is a chance for students to work with figurative language and access its meaning. Each week we will look at a new idiom, and decipher its meaning and practice using it.
This week our idiom was - Hold Your Horses! Students had a great time working with this idiom, as I think many of them have heard it before!
We are all about balancing equations this week as students are introduced to algebra. This is a very very light version of algebra, which is close to missing number equations students have completed in the past.
It is important that students understand that both sides of an equal sign in an equation need to have the same value.
ie. 4 + 5 = 9
Both sides of this equation total up to 9.
Students are working to solve equations, using addition and subtraction, to find the value of a missing number or symbol. We have been practicing with equations as well as word problems.
With our exploration of waste in nature, students have been working on a research project this week around decomposers, producers and consumers.
Using a graphic organizer, in pairs, students scanned QR Codes to find links to sites. On each site was a bit of information on all three areas. Students had to read through information to determine importance, and then record it in the organizer where it belonged.
Understanding the roles of decomposers, producers and consumers helps students to recognize and understand how recycling occurs in nature.
We are almost done mapping! The last thing on our list to learn was longitude and latitude! These are the imaginary lines that run vertically and horizontally around our globe that make things like GPS possible.
The middle line of longitude is called the Prime Meridian, and splits our globe into Eastern and Western Hemispheres. The middle line of latitude is called the Equator. This line separates our globe into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
The middle line of longitude is called the Prime Meridian, and splits our globe into Eastern and Western Hemispheres. The middle line of latitude is called the Equator. This line separates our globe into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
We will be having our mapping skills quiz next week.
Blue Flame Kitchen
Thanks to our nutrition budget, the Grade 4's had an awesome day of cooking on Wednesday with Atco Blue Flame. They absolutely loved it!! They got to make fresh salsa and fruit salad. The program focuses on teaching them healthy eating recipes and kitchen safety skills.
Blue Flame will be hosting a parent night on Oct. 23rd during interviews.
Over the past few weeks, students have been learning about Vincent Van Gogh! He spent many years painting landscapes and using various techniques to add texture to his work.
Our skills focus was to create a vanishing point and to use various mediums to create texture within our work.
Here is the finished product: a recreation of
Avenue of Poplars, 1884
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