- Oct 31 - Halloween Parade at 9:00am in the gymnasium. Parents and family are invited!
- Oct 31 - Last day to donate Socks for Socktober!
- Nov. 1 - No School, PD Day.
- Nov. 6 - BOKS Starts
- Nov. 7 - Early Dismissal
- Nov. 8 - Christmas Card Orders are due (pictures coming on Monday)
- Nov 12 - No School, Mid Term Break.
If you made it to the parade on Wednesday, you would have seen all the awesome costumes! I am blown away every year by the creativity of students and their families.
Thank you for sending in snacks! WE LOVED THEM :)
Students had a refresher on nouns and adjectives, through a sorting activity and then watching spooky scary music videos (With's Brew and Spooky Scary Skeletons) recording nouns and adjectives they heard.
And we did some fun Halloween Art!
During read to self, students are continuing to work with their book clubs and discuss their mystery books! They are practicing summarizing chapters, and describing characters and plot.
We also spent some time working on reading comprehension with non-fiction text. We did some science based reading, and discussed the strategy of pre-reading the questions beforehand. This will help us be aware, while we're reading, what information might be important to highlight.
After reading, they can use their highlighted sections to answers their questions quickly!

Students worked on writing a descriptive paragraph about haunted houses! This was done by writing for sale ads for haunted homes. I read aloud to the students, I'm Not Afraid of this Haunted House by Laurie Friedman. This was to help get some creative juices flowing for the kiddos as to what they would see or hear in a haunted house.
As a group we brainstormed a ton of ideas! They had lots of creepy ideas to add to their writing, and I am so impressed with how hard they worked.
We also talked about the type of rooms a haunted house might have, as we are trying to sell the house! Our purpose is to have the reader want to buy our house, even if it is a little haunted.
This was to accompany our beautiful haunted house art we also made this week. Students slowly tinted white paint with a colour of their choice to create a creepy backdrop for their houses.

Next, they used black construction paper to create their house shapes! Using yellow paper they added their very own windows and doors.
This is one of my absolute favourite art pieces we do, and every year its a little bit different! The background colours are stunning! Their haunted houses ads can be found in the hallway by the Music room.
To introduce this unit, we jumped right into it! Using bean bags and hoola hoops, we made a model for place value, creating numbers up to 10 000! As we threw bean bags in hoops, students counted up how many they had, recorded it on a board, and then as a group we would say the number aloud.

In Social we have began to talk about Alberta and the climate. Students learned that climate is the general weather in an area or region over a long period of time. Using Alberta government's weather website they recorded the temperature of different cities across Alberta. Looking at the locations of the cities, we discussed how different landforms, lattitude and elevatin can affect a regions climate.

We also spent some time working on reading comprehension with non-fiction text. We did some science based reading, and discussed the strategy of pre-reading the questions beforehand. This will help us be aware, while we're reading, what information might be important to highlight.
After reading, they can use their highlighted sections to answers their questions quickly!

As a group we brainstormed a ton of ideas! They had lots of creepy ideas to add to their writing, and I am so impressed with how hard they worked.
This was to accompany our beautiful haunted house art we also made this week. Students slowly tinted white paint with a colour of their choice to create a creepy backdrop for their houses.
Next, they used black construction paper to create their house shapes! Using yellow paper they added their very own windows and doors.
This is one of my absolute favourite art pieces we do, and every year its a little bit different! The background colours are stunning! Their haunted houses ads can be found in the hallway by the Music room.
We have started a new unit in math: PLACE VALUE!
A main understanding in this unit is that numbers can be expressed in various ways. This can be in numerals, numbers words, expanded form and with base ten material.
This week students worked with base ten materials to represent numbers up to 10 000 in various ways.
Students also worked with Quizlet, an interactive vocabulary site, to learn and record new terms we will be covering over the unit.