Thank you to all the families who made it out to Student Led Conferences! The kiddos loved getting to show you around our room and some of the activities we do!
A Few Reminders:The Cake Walk is coming up this week! Please read over the parent letter that was sent home at the beginning of March. It is hoped that every Grade 4 Student brings in a cake to help fundraise!

SPRING BREAK - Is Almost Here!
No school on Friday March 23rd.
SPRING BREAK March 24 - April 3.
This week we read a book by Lynne Truss about apostrophes in relation to possessive nouns. Students learned about plural possessive nouns this week and where the apostrophe gets placed in these words.
Possessive Nouns show that something belongs to someone/something.
"That's Ms. Potter's Pizza!"
The apostrophe goes before the s.
Plural Possessive Nouns show that something belongs to a group.
"That's the students' ice cream."
The apostrophe comes after the s in this case.
However, some irregular plural nouns will need the -'s added.
"It is all the children's food"
We are continuing to read our daily morals from Squids Will Be Squids.
Our big skill of practice this week was rounding and estimating, which was pretty tough for these kiddos to remember! By the end of the week, I think we were almost pros at it. We spent a lot of time reviewing how to round up and down to tens, hundreds and thousands.
Then once we got the hang of that, we started to add our numbers to estimate sums.
Students also wrote a quiz on multiplication and these will be sent home next week.
Science 4
Boy did we have fun this week with levers! Students got to test out the difference a fulcrums position makes in relation to the effort needed to lift an object. Some of you may have gotten to partake in this experiment on Tuesday!
Science 3
We conducted an experiment this week to test the best materials use when wanting to sound proof an object. We discovered that hard objects reflect the soundwaves, therefore not reducing the volume. Softer, squishier materials absorb the soundwaves and lower the volume, therefore they would be better materials to choose when soundproofing.
As a group, we discussed the important of sound in communication. We discussed how it helps us better communicate and understand each other. For some fun, students took videos using Screencastify of them saying a sentence and we are going to watch them together to try and read lips!
Next we took a look at the human's ability to hear frequencies and created a human hearing trading card. This is in preparation of comparing the human's hearing ability to that of animals. Students will be working on animal research next week, and completing a animal hearing trading card.
I am so impressed with how our Picasso Portraits turned out! Students worked very hard on created their own unique piece.
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