We have a lot going on at RBES in March! You can always visit our school's event page to find more information on each event.
Robina Baker will be having its Fifth Annual Spell-a-thon on Wednesday, March 14th. The list will be 50 core words for each grade from 1-4, 10 words for Kindergarten students and Pre-K will be tested on the spelling of their name. You may sponsor in any way you want (ie. 0.25¢per word spelled correctly). We hope this will be an added incentive for children to become better spellers, as well as a fundraiser for our school. Last year’s Spell-a-thon was a huge success and the students were able to benefit from technology added to the classrooms, lower swimming lesson costs and reduced field trip bussing fees. The monies raised this year will be used to support field trips, swimming lessons and health and wellness projects (this could include items such as new gym equipment, new playground balls, frisbees etc., mindful tools for classrooms, emotional wellness resources and items for health and wellness days). For every $10 in pledges received, the child’s name will be entered in a draw to win prizes. As well, the class with the most 100%’s wins a Dairy Queen ice cream party and the class that raises the most money will win a Dominos pizza party!
We have finished Fantastic Mr. Fox! I loved reading this book along with the students, and they really enjoyed learning about the characters and Mr. Fox's daring plan! They have worked to connect the thoughts and actions of Mr. Fox and other characters to themselves, through our quick write topics. This week students had to think of their biggest, most favourite feast! Sounds like we have a lot of good cooks out there!
Next week, we will be watching the feature film, Fantastic Mr. Fox where students will express their preferences of film or text, and compare how the characters are portrayed. This movie is PG and I will be emailing for negative consent.
Grade 4's are continuing to work through multiplication of 3 digit by 1 digit numbers and regrouping. Once they have become confident in this skill, some students have begun to work on word problems around the concept.
Grade 3's spent some time this week learning a new math facts game, where they practice their times table from 1 - 6. They can play in pairs on independently.
As a whole group we spent some time looking at multiplication charts, how they are used, and filling them out! These can be useful tools for students for solving their basic facts, but it also gives us a chance to spot any patterns we may see while multiplying even or odd numbers. This also exposed the students to the concept of multiples of a number, and finding the patterns in multiples.
The numbers in our ones place are in a repeating pattern, so this will help us determine if our answer is correct.
On Friday, we played multiplication grid race! Students face a partner and try to fill out their multiplication charts (rolling dice) as much as they ca in 5 minutes!
Science 4 - Edmonton Waste Management Center!
The Grade 4's had an excellent time at the EWMC! They got to see first hand how waste is sorted and handled in the Edmonton Area.
They learned all about recycling electronics, where items can be brought and what types of things can be made from recycled waste!
We have also begun a new unit in Science - Wheels & Levers! This unit revolves aroud simple machines and how they are used. To introduce our unit, students worked in partners researching different types of simple machines and creating visual web!
Science 3:
The Grade 3's had lots of Science time this week! On Tuesday, we did some different sound centers where students explored how various objects can make sound ad how sounds travels through liquids, solids and air.
Tunes form a Glass!
Kleenex Box Guitar!
Seeing Sound Waves!
As students bang on the pan to create sound, the waves move the rice on the cup. The cellophane imitates the ear drum and how it turns sound waves into vibrations. |
We also took a small trip to Ms. Coleman's class, where we got to listen to a gramophone! THis showed students how certain shapes can be used to amplify sound (make sound louder) by changing the direction of the waves. Next, we made our own little amplifiers! We used these to hear sounds louder, by holding them close to our ears, or to project sounds louder, by holding them to our mouths when speaking or other sound sources.
Pink Shirt Day!
I apologize, for some reason my photos from this day are not able to load! Please check the RBES Weekly update for more images of everyone in their awesome shirts!
A little bit of Science, a little bit of ART
All students worked on some science-y art this week! It was based around the concepts of sound waves! Students used TwistedWave voice recording to record the sounds waves of each student reading their name. Using Pixlr, students edited the image and added colours, text, etc to decorate their Sound Wave Name Art!
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