Quite a few events are coming up soon!
Look at these wonderful graphic Mrs. Horrock has made!
Reading Focus
Students worked in small pairs and groups to read leveled non-fiction texts and to determine what they think the main idea of the writing was. What was each piece trying to tell us?
Working together they completed a circle map about the main idea.
Down the hallway, in our classroom were students working on a new sentence starter!
Where sentence starters were our new technique we worked on. These are sentences that start with preposition words, such as, deep, down, above, below, etc.
How did we learn these word? Well, with Simon Says of course! Using cups and a red fuzzy ball, students played Simon Says, moving their ball around, inside, above, below or even deep into a cup!
Students when worked on writing sentences about some farm animals, using Where Sentence starters. It is so hilarious some of the sentences these kiddos write!
Then students worked independently in google drawings on their own.

Gr 4 Science
We are starting our unit on Waste and Our World. This week we started discussion on what waste is, what types of Waste there are and how we create waste.
As a class, we came up with a definition of waste: Waste is anything we do not need, or discard.
Students came up with many examples of what they thought was waste, and then we sorted them on the board in different categories.
Gr 3 Social
We are continuing to look into India's celebrations and traditions! First we look at what kind of celebrations we have in our homes, community and country. Before we looked at India's celebrations, we had to first understand what the word Culture meant. Culture is a way of life shared by a group of people, and includes food, language, beliefs, music and art.
The first area of culture we looked at was Language! We discussed the different languages in our country, and then looked at India's.There are 22 official languages spoken in India and they're official language is Hindi, but many Indians also speak English! We all learned how to greet someone in Hindi, by bowing and saying "Namaste", as well as, learning how to write it.
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