It has been quite a busy week with Halloween and our PD day.
Here are a Few Reminders for November:
- Lice Checks Nov. 7th
- Early Dismissal Nov. 8th.
- Christmas Card orders due Nov. 10th (10 for $10)
- Remembrance Day Ceremony Nov. 10 at 10:45am
- Family Movie Night Nov. 10th
- No School Nov. 13th
- No School Dec 1st
Compound sentences were our focus in Grammar this week.
Most students are able to confidently identify compound sentences, conjunctions and simple sentences, however some still struggle to use them in their own writing. We will continue to work with this concept for the year, and work on adding it to our personal writing.
A new rule we encountered during Structured Word Inquiry this week was how we add Vowel Suffixes to the end of words.
A vowel suffix is any suffix that BEGINS with a vowel etc.
When we add a vowel suffix to a word that ends in a single silent e we drop the silent e.
If you want to play around with some words with your child, try writing more word sums for the base words move.
Students are still working on strengthening their understanding of how to represent numbers using Expanded form, Base Ten Blocks and Numerals. Our next concept will be to compare and order numbers to 1, 0000 or 10, 000.
In Science the 4's are finishing up their Lights and Shadows unit. We talked about the shape or convex and concave mirrors, and how they change what we see. This was done through some SPOONY SCIENCE! Using the concave and convex sides of a spoon, students observed how moving the focal point changes how we see our image in each mirror.
Next week we will wrap up a few last concepts and then play some Jeopardy to review before our unit quiz.
In Grade 3 we have moved on to Social! The four countries we will be studying this year are Peru, Tunisia, India and Ukraine.
This week, through ThingLink you we have located our four countries on a map of the world, researched their flags and which continent they are on. As we work through the year we will add to our ThingLink more information we learn of our countries.
This week, through ThingLink you we have located our four countries on a map of the world, researched their flags and which continent they are on. As we work through the year we will add to our ThingLink more information we learn of our countries.
Here is a link to My ThingLink so you can get an idea of what we're working on.
Students are also working on creating a flag for their very own country! When making their flag they have to explain why they chose their symbols and colours. Stay tuned to see what we're going to do with these flags!
What an awesome day! Everyone had such awesome costumes, and believe it or not, we got some work done! After reading a story, I'm Not Afraid of This Haunted House we decided to write some For Sale ads for our very own Haunted Houses!
Last Friday we began by painting the backgrounds to our houses, using white and other colours to tint our spooky moonlit night!
Next we had to cut out our Haunted Houses and add some details!
Now onto the writing part. Students brainstormed with their sentences how they could describe their Haunted House.
Each student wrote their very own Haunted House for Sale Ad, complete with spooky and terrifying reasons someone would want to buy this estate!
Happy Friday Everyone!
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