April was an absolute whirlwind - I can't believe we're almost halfway through May!
Read to Self Outside! |
We have been working very hard in class, and are trying to keep our focus! This gets pretty tough when it's so beautiful outside, so we have tried to enjoy some learning opportunities outside as well!
Our Language Arts focus over the past few week has been on building strong, juicy and detailed sentences. In grammar, we have looked at verbs, adjectives, figurative language(onomatopoeia, similes, metaphors) and how we can use them to enhance our writing and make it more interesting to the reader.

After we had brainstormed all our words, student choose their own to create word art based on the sound it made.
They turned out GREAT! They were modeled after the style of Roy Lichtenstein's comic book art, using bright primary colours.
- Light sources can be natural or man made.
- Objects can either emit their own light, or reflect light.
- We see objects because of the light that reflects off of them.
- The Moon reflects light.
- Light travels in a straight path.
- Our sky is blue because like has a rainbow of colours, but when it hits the gases in out atmosphere it scatters the straight path into short wavy lines which produces the blue colour.
In Social, we are beginning to talk about our past in Alberta. This will include learning about our early settlers, Metis and Cree influences and the Fur Trade.
We have had a few visitors into our school in preparation for Bike Safety week! On Wednesday, the health nurse came and gave a very informative presentation on the need for helmets and how important our brains are! Bike Safety starts today, with helmet checks and continues next week, bring your bikes in!!!
Bob the Egg demonstrates the safety of helmets!
Important Dates and Reminders:
- Bike Safety next week!
- Please sign Swimming, Warwa, and Bike Safety forms on Powerschool.
- No School May 19 - 22 (Victoria Day)
- Class photos May 24th.
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