We also took a look at the 3R's, Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. We discussed how we can make a difference in our world with our actions. Feel free to brainstorm with your child about things we can do to make our environmental footprint smaller.
On Monday afternoon we gathered in the classroom and I shared oral stories and traditions with the students about Alberta's First nations people. We took a look at some artifacts (Thanks to Mrs. S!) that were tools used long ago, as well as, listened to stories of how these were used and hunting traditions.

In Language Arts, we looked at Concrete poems this week, and how they are made. Students then made an abstract concrete poem through Tagul.
Students used their knowledge of figurative language, and used similes in their poems to describe their animal.

We were so lucky to have Drum Fit at the school all week! Students moved and grooved to some tunes while playing drums on large exercise balls. On our last day we even had students as instructors!
Hoppy Easter Everyone!
(No School until Wednesday!)
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