We have been focusing on different types of nouns over the past couple of weeks in grammar. We discussed irregular plural nouns - those nouns that don't follow our plural nouns rules, such as: feet, teeth, mice or children. Students also have been discussing our various pronouns, identifying them in their reading and writing, as well as knowing when to use a subject or object pronoun.
Our writing focus this week was procedural writing. When we are writing there needs to be organization and our writing needs to follow a sequential order. This week, students have been writing "How To" pieces.
We started with the process of how to write a How To!
First, we need to pick a topic.
Next, we need to make a plan and list all the steps to the topic (being very specific).
Then, we take our steps and determine importance! Can we put more than one simple step together to create a compound sentence?
After, we start writing!
Students practiced this skill with "How To Make [Their Favourite Sandwich]." After they had chosen their sandwich, they wrote out all the steps and then did their final writing in google drawings. Here are some examples.
In Math, the students have been working on regrouping using place value and how that relates when we're adding 2, 3, and 4 digit numbers.
We started off by using visuals and representing addition problems with base ten blocks. This helped the students see - why do we carry that one?!
Throughout the week we reinforced this concept with practice from our textbooks, in pairs and with various math games.
We will be having a unit test next week on what we have covered so far in Number Sense.
To review some of the main vocabulary terms from our social chapters we worked with Quizlet! Quizlet is an online vocabulary student site, where students can create/study flashcards and then test themselves on their vocabulary through interactive games. We tried out quizlet live and it was a hit! The students are separated into animal groups - which they have to talk to each other and find out who is in their group - and then compete against each other in teams to find the term - definition answers! Its complicated to explain but so great! It has the students verbally discussing the meaning of terms.
Next week is our last week before the holidays!
On Thursday, we are going to have our Harry Potter Wrap up Party in the afternoon.
We will be watching the first movie (Since we have finished the book) and enjoying some snacks! So far I have had lots of offers to bring in food, we have:
- Chips (TM)
- Cookies (CA)
- Sugar Cookies (EM)
- Juice Boxes (HK)
On Friday, in the morning we are going to have a Recycled Christmas Gift Exchange!
In your home, there are probably many items that your child no longer plays with but are still very good toys, or even books they are no longer reading and would love to pass on! Please have your child wrap an item and bring it to school any time next week, and on Friday morning we will have a White Elephant type gift exchange!
Thank you and have a great weekend!!!
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