Thursday, 1 December 2016

Just a Few Reminders... 
- Holiday Paint Day is this Sunday, if you bought tickets! 
- Christmas Concert is on Tuesday! Performances are at 1:10 pm & 6 pm. 
- Early Dismissal is on Wednesday, Dec 7th. 
- Last day to donate for Christmas Elves is on Friday. 

This week was a busy week with our Christmas concert rehearsals! Our class has been working really hard on their two songs and it really shows, they are doing great! We can't wait to show everyone on Tuesday Night.

Our reading focus this week was to continue to find the main idea in not only one paragraph, but an entire article or piece of writing. In KidBlog, the students read a report on Egypt and worked on determing the main idea and which sentences supported this idea.
Image result for plural noun rules poster
We also took time to look at the different way we pluralize nouns, and which word endings change when the word becomes plural. To practice we played a game in teams where students were shown an word and hard to try and write the plural form. They rocked at this! One that tricks us a bit is words that end in "f" or "fe", the f changes to a v and we add es.
Shelf = Shelves
Calf = Calves

We tested our knowledge of simple and compound sentences with a Kahoot! This is a really fun and interactive way to do a quick check and see how students are understanding concepts.

Students continued to work on writing compound sentences within their own writing through Work on Writing. Using given topics, they wrote their own paragraphs using conjunctions to combine simple sentences.

We were so lucky to get to participate in a Google Mystery Hangout today!!! This is when we video call another school somewhere in the world and play 20 questions!! Asking only yes or no questions (and their knowledge of mapping skills) the students narrow down where our callers are from! Today we met a fourth grade class from Green Bay, Wisconsin!

In Science we are winding down our Wheels & Levers unit. Students worked with gears and explored how to use a driver gear and vertical gear systems in small groups. 

Have a great weekend!!! 

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