To demonstrate this, we created a giant lever, identified where the effort, load and fulcrum were and tested out lifting students! I acted as the effort and we moved the fulcrum from middle, to closer to the load or closer to the effort. The students discovered it was easier to lift the load when the fulcrum is placed closer to the load. Then each student had a chance to act as the effort as I was the load! Mrs. Kloschinsky even got in on the fun!
To see all the pictures from our experiment click here.
On Friday morning we were engineers! Students planned, tested and improved marshmallow launching catapaults! Emma and Mackenzie had the most accurate catapault!
In Social, the students have been working diligently on their regions slides projects. They will have one more day when we return from break to tune them up and then they will present their regions to the class.
In Math, we wrote a mid-unit test on Number Sense. Everyone did pretty great! Some of the areas we tested on were number value, place value, expanded form and adding with regrouping.
In Language Arts, we continued to work on our procedural writing structure through Daily 5 activities and on our chromebooks.
We we extremely lucky this week to have Mr. Maltais come in and take us through a Breakout adventure! Students were in groups of 6 - 7 and were given a box with 6 locks.
Through teamwork, cooperation, critical thinking and using their problem solving skills they had to solve clues to unlock the box! Everyone got their boxes open, even if it was over the 45 minute time limit! It was really great to see them working together and thinking outside the box. Ask your chld about it, they seemed to have a blast!
Thursday we had our Harry Potter Party! This was in lieu of a Christmas Party this year, as we had finished the first book and wanted to take time to watch the movie and compare differences. WHAT A FUN DAY WE HAD!
Next they chose their own colours to paint them!
Thanks to Mrs. DeGray who made some amazing Snitch Cake Pops!!!!
Happy Holidays!