Also this week, we focused on the functions of each plant part. Trying quizzing your child asking these questions:
What does a stem do for the plant? Whats an example of a stem we eat?
What do leaves do for the plant? Can we eat them?
What do the roots do for the plant? What roots do you eat?
Our classroom plants are starting to sprout! This will help us see all the different stages of the plant life cycle. So far, we have seen the seed which has now sprouted into a seedling and soon we will see what comes next!

In Social, we are continuing to discuss the past and share the changes in our lives with our yarn projects! Some of these kiddos have seen lots of new homes, brothers, sisters and new beginnings! It has been great to share and hear everyone's stories and see how diverse we all are!
In Daily 5 and Language Arts, we have been trying to focus on how to write a story. During our 5 minute quick writes, students have been given a picture and are practicing how to write a beginning by introducing our elements: characters (who is your story about?) setting (where are they?) and problem (what are they trying to do?).
In Daily 5, during work on writing they have had two different writing prompts. After reading Aliens in Underpants Save the World, they were given a picture of aliens in a space ship and started writing their own stories about the aliens! They have really been doing great with their stories and we're working on building strong endings.

We also spent some time focusing on the Diphthongs "ou" and "ow" and the sound they make. In groups, they were given one word and had to come up with rhyming words that would belong in the same family.
Afterwards, they got together and Read to Someone, a short story with "ou" and "ow" words, highlighting the letter patterns when they found them.

We also had our final swimming lesson this week! Report cards for lessons went home on Wednesday.
Next Week:
PATs start for Grade 6 - We are going to be soooo quiet in the halls!
All Library Books must be returned by next Friday.
Miquelon Lake Forms are due June 17th.
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