Monday, 6 June 2016

Growing in Grade One!

We are busy busy busy!!! I can't believe its already June!

The week started off with our visit to Fort Edmonton Park!
We had an absolute blast, even in the rain! It was just spitting so we managed to stay pretty dry! This was a great way to talk and cover our Social curriculum goal of learning about life in the past. Students were taken on a tour on 1885 Street and saw first hand what life was like for Edmonton's early settlers. No electricity, heat, running water, farm living and school was very different!

To see the full album of our day click here.

When we returned to school, we did a little writing about what life would be like in 1885 for children. They would definitely have to work very hard and do lots of chores. The school house would have all different grades in one room and all they would have is chalk and slate! Students wrote about "If I lived in 1885.. " and reflected on how life would have been for them.

In Science, we are planting! This week we focused on the parts of a plant and what they need to survive. We have started growing some little flowers in our class, taking care of them and making sure they have water, air, sunlight and nutrient filled soil!

We also have each started our own little bean plant! This will show us what goes on inside a seed and how a plants life cycle begins. As our bean plants grow we are observing them in our bean journal to record the different stages of the life cycle.

We also mixed a little Science in with Art! After looking at a book about plants and their parts, we made our own plant part posters with labels.

Next week, we will focus on the function of each plant part and how they help the plant survive.

In Math, we are closing up our unit on Adding and Subtracting to 20. We are still working on solving story problems, making sure we focus on the words that tell us if we need to add or subtract! Next week we will begin our measurement unit.

Next Wednesday is our last day of swimming lessons! It's been lots of fun and the kids have been really great during their lessons.

Friday was Western Day! These kiddos can really rock a country look!

The Black Gold Rodeo is on this weekend!

Next Friday, Alix Mac School Band will be performing at our school in the morning.

Have a great weekend!!

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