Sunday, 5 May 2019

April 29 - May 3

A Few Reminders:

  • May 7 & 8 - Spring Photos! 

  • Grade 4 Grad Photos.png

  • Grade 4 Grad Photos - Students can bring in items that show their personality or passion! 

  • May 10 - Helmet Checks
  • May 17 - PD Day; No School

  • Happy Education Week! 

    We have had a wonderful week filled of activities and celebrations! On Monday the whole school started a collaborative writing project! Using a picture prompt students from each class have written 2-3 sentences to create a story. At the end of the day Friday we read the story aloud to the whole school.

    Zig-Zag was a zebra stuck on a high rope after escaping the zoo to find his family! The story continues with adventure and some hi-jinx. The ideas all brought to you by the students at RBES!
    To read the whole story click here. 

    We also had a school wide reading block in the halls. Students from all grades mixed together and participated in quiet reading or buddy reading.

    Wednesday was Hats ON for Mental Health day! We had lots of kids in hats, showing their support for those who need someone to talk to and compassion for those who suffer from Mental Health issues.

    We also had a reader from the Devon Lion's Club come and read aloud to the class. We were so thankful to have this guest in our class.

    Mrs. D brought us the book Bob by Wendy Mass and the students loved it. I am continuing to read aloud this book to the students, as we practice reading strategies such as predicting, inferring, making connections and summarizing.

    Our Reader's Chair Reader this week was Blake. She read aloud Dooby, Dooby, MOO! By Doreen Cronin to the class. She did an outstanding job!
    Next Up: Sam!

    Each student was also give 1/4 of a flower tile to colour. This turned out as a beautiful collaborative art project from the whole school!

    This can be seen in our gymnasium!
    On Wednesday, students invited siblings or family members from the school to lunch in our room! 

    In Math, we are starting a new unit on Fractions. This week we started by reintroducing some key terms: denominator, numerator, fractions of a set, and of a whole.  Earlier in the week you may have seen your child bring home their Math paper and have to explain the meaning of each to you. This was their reintroduction to fractions of a whole. 

    Next we explored fractions of a set. Looking at images, we wrote fractions that can be found in the image. We also brought groups of students up and wrote fractions about our group (i.e. 3/7 are wearing glasses). 
    Students broke out into groups of various sizes (from 3 - 7) and took some selfies! They posted their selfies on our classroom Seesaw and wrote fractions they could find within them. 

    Students did great with this, and really enjoyed looking at their classmates photos to create new fractions! It is so interesting to see what they pick up on and find in their photos!

    They're starting to spot fractions everywhere! Even when we were working on our collaborative art they started to find fractions there!

    We are BENDING LIGHT in Grade 4! We've been conducting experiments on how light is refracted through different mediums. Students used glasses of water to see how putting things in the water changes how they look.

    They also experimented with some optical illusion type activities! Using diagrams of arrows, coloured squares and holding their markers behind the water, the objects started to change right before their eyes!

    We also worked with some prisms to see how they can refracted light, and separate white light into the visible spectrum.

    In Social we are creating little story books in Cree. Using the Cree number words and animal words, they are writing primary story books. This is a wonderful way to show appreciation of the languages of First Nations peoples. 

     We are working on some James and the Giant Peach themed art! Students learned how to used pencil crayons to create a gradient for their peach. They rocked it!

    That's a wrap on our AWESOME week!

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