- May 23 - Bike day
- This year, we will be having the one day for students to bring their bikes.
- May 24 - Volunteer Appreciation in the morning
- May 24 - Wellness Day in the afternoon
- May 28 - Twin, Triplets or Quadruplets Dress Up Day!
- May 30 - Yearbook order deadline
- June 5 - Early Dismissal
- June 7 - BGRS Track Meet
- June 11 - Riverview Visit
- June 12 - Conservation Presentation
Cross Grade Buddies! We spent some time with our Grade 1 buddies planting this week! Each student spent some time at 3 different stations learning about Soil and the nutrients it supplies to plants, Compost and how worms help us and Seeds different looks and needs.
It was great to have them relate what we learn in math class to their life outside school as well. Next, we began to discuss how fractions relate to decimals. Any fraction can be converted into a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator. We will be focusing on fractions /10 and decimals to tenths.
We are continuing to work on these stories, adding details and editing our work as we go along. I am constantly impressed and stuck in a fit of laughter at these stories! Everyone is being so creative and really doing their research to tell about their locations and animals.
During WeSearch Wednesday students are working on how to organize and record important information. We are experimenting with a new text feature in our note-taking - sub headings. This is when we use more specific headings to separate and organize the notes we take.
This week they viewed the video below:
As you can see, our focus of research is Plants! This is tying into our science curriculum, as we learn about plants and watch a few grow in our class. To get us started, I gave students 6 key ideas I want them to focus on while researching:
- What do plants need to survive?
- How do humans and animals use plants?
- What are some different types of plants?
- What are some plant adaptations?
- How do plants spread their seeds?
- What is photosynthesis?
From these topics as a class we came up with simple subtitles:
- What Plants Need to Survive
- How We Use Plants
- Different Types of Plants
- Plant Adaptations
- How Plants Spread Seeds
- Photosynthesis
Over the next few weeks, students will use various types of media and sources to learn about plants and record their notes. They will then take their recorded information to create e-books on Google Slides.
This week students were introduced to decimals. To kick start this unit we talked about different ways we see numbers, and where we see them as a representation in everyday life.
I placed the three different numbers on the board and had students identify each (fraction, whole number, decimal). |
Students did an excellent job identifying the new place value of tenths and hundredths. We worked on converting fractions /10 or /100 to equal decimal. Once they had this skill we were able to place fractions, mixed fractions and decimals on numbers lines to compare them to benchmarks (0, 1/2, 1).
We will be reviewing this skills next week and have a decimal review quiz on Thursday.
Using some paper puppets, students were able to experiment with flashlights to change the shape, darkness and sharpness of shadows.
Through this experiment students discovered that the closed an object is to a light source the more blurred, large and light a shadow becomes. As you move the object away from the light source the shadow becomes smaller, darker and sharper.
We took a quick peak at some SPOONY SCIENCE this week to explore convex and concave mirrors/lenses. Students are working in pairs to describe the differences between their appearance in each type of mirror.
As you look into the concave side of a spoon your image will be small and upside down.
As you look into the convex side of you spoon you are enlarged and right side up.
After a few weeks of working on different art techniques: acrylic paints and texture, water colour blending and pencil crayon gradients - it was time to put all the pieces together!
BEHOLD - Our James and the Giant Peach Art!