Monday, 15 April 2019

April 8 - 11

A Few Reminders: 
  • April 18 - Cake Walk & Family Dance; The Cake Walk is a Grade 4 Fundraising event that takes place at the family dance. More details coming April 8th. 
  • April 19 - No School; Good Friday 
  • April 22 - No School; Easter Monday 
  • April 26 - Elder Florence Assembly
We have had quite a special week! 
We have had TWO visits to our classroom by professionals in their field! 

Mr. Maltais visited our class to teach us how to do some MicroBit coding! This was extremely interesting, and such a valuable skill for students to learn. Students worked with a coding program to write their own code for an LED MicroBit. Using the program they lit up their MicroBit to display hearts, faces, and even dice numbers! 

Students took the battle to the hall, for the highest number shaken! When writing the code, we can begin to have discussions surrounding probability, and the possible results. 

Our second guest were nurses from Brain Waves! These ladies did an amazing job of teaching the kids all about their own brains! They worked through how the brain works with all of the sense and engaged in some fun experiments and activities! 
Testing our taste buds. 
Learning about the parts of our brain!

We are hopping into Poetry! This week we have focused on the the Elements of Poetry including Figurative Language, Imagery, Word Choice, Ideas & Content and Voice.

We have read through poems together, discussing the different parts to a poem, how to read a poem, and searching for poetic devices within a poem. Over the month, we will work on reading and responding to poems, making personal connections and using our senses. 

To practice our alliteration ( a form of figurative language used to create imagery) we created our own Alphabet Alliteration Poem! This has us working with specific parts of speech - adjectives, nouns and verbs - to create some silly sentences!

Pictures to Come!

We also looked at how to write a Cinquain. Poetry is excellent, because it reinforces students to work on word choice, exploring new words, and builds a strong understanding the different parts of speech (adjectives, nouns, adverbs, etc) as they work through writing the poems. Cinquain is a type of poetry that uses specific rules in the form. 

Our Partner Similes are done! I absolutely LOVE how they turned out. 

We are continuing to work on basic facts with division. Students are using personal strategies to work through various division problems.

We have also begun some practice with Long Division, and will continue this next week. 

Students deepened their understanding of light sources, by sorting them into categories - Natural or Man Made. Using google drawings we created webs of each type of light source. 

We are beginning to learn about Alberta's history, stories and people. This unit will focus on the history of First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples in Alberta. 

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