Friday, 26 April 2019

April 23 - 26

A Few Reminders:

  • May 1 - Early Dismissal 
  • May 7 & 8 - Spring Photos! 

  • Grade 4 Grad Photos - Students can bring in items that show their personality or passion! 

  • May 10 - Helmet Checks
  • May 13 - Edmonton Waste Management Field Trip 
  • May 17 - PD Day; No School 

  • ELA
    We are wrapping up our Poetry Unit! Students have spent so much time creating various types of poems of topics of nature, seasons and Earth! 

    With it being Earth Day over the weekend, we have let this topic flow into our week. We spent some time looking into Earth and talking about why it is important that we care for our Earth. As a class, we brainstormed all words and ideas that came to mind. 

    Using these words, we went to to create some concrete poems! Concrete poems are in the shape of the topic, and students typed in 10 - 15 phrases or words in relation to Earth or Earth Day.

    The following day, students experimented with a different form - Acrostic. Since they we're already so well informed on Earth we stuck with that topic for these poems as well. They can be see in our front foyer! 

    We have also finished our James and the Giant Peach novel study! We absolutely adored the book, and will take some time to watch the film and compare the two. Students will write a review piece on which format (book or film) they preferred. 

    This week in math groups, I worked one on one with students reading word problems and determining if we needed to multiply or divide to solve the problem. This is a struggle area for most students, but with some guidance everyone was able to solve the problem. 

    Students also played basic fact games to enhance their division and multiplication fact knowledge. It is important that we work to reinforce the connection of multiplication to division through games, or fact family work, to help students be more successful when working on more complex division problems. 


    To demonstrate how light travels we used our flashlights and some cue cards to conduct a discovery experiment! Students lined up cards with holes punches and shone the light through, and then continued to mark spots and create new holes. As they lined up their cards they notices that light travels in straight lines. Then they were able to experiment how light moves as they moved their flashlights around the hole and watched their little spotlight dance on their cards. 

    We have had such a fun week for Science! Mr. Maltais was in again and helped us code Microbits to read light levels! Our first string of code let us measure light by bar graph. As students moved around the school the Microbits LED lights would show a bar graph of high, low or medium light levels. 
    Next, the students changed their code to show a numerical value of the light reading. This game them a number from 0 - 25.5. With this code, the following day we conducted an experiment! Students tested different materials (plastic cup, milk jug square, paper square) and recorded their light levels in Google Sheets. Then, using their recorded data they created bar graphs to pictorially represent their data. 

    With their readings, we discussed why we think different materials had different readings. They picked up right away that some objects were different in their ability to see the light shine through them. This lead us to discuss three new terms: transparent: when all light can pass through an object/material, translucent; when some light can pass through an object/material, and opaque; where no light passes through. 

    As we begin to dig deeper into Alberta's and people, we have begun to discuss the language and practices of First Nations, Metis and Inuit. You may have heard your child sharing some interesting information about buffalo and how vital they were to Indigenous peoples survival. They hunted the buffalo in a few different ways, and how they used every part of the buffalo. 

    Indigenous peoples also had languages that differed between each band. This may have been a difference in dialect, sound or overall language. However, due to European influence, many Indigenous peoples began to speak English or French. A lot of traditions and celebrations are tied to language as well, and if not passed down from previous generations, they can be lost. 

    In honour of poetry month, the Grade 4's read a poem at assembly about Teamwork. 

    Students worked together as a team to read the poem and create some actions to go along. 

    Saturday, 20 April 2019

    April 15-19

    A Few Reminders: 

  • April 26 - Elder Florence Assembly
  • May 1 - Early Dismissal 
  • May 7 & 8 - Spring Photos! 

  • Grade 4 Grad Photos - Students can bring in items that show their personality or passion! 

  • May 10 - Helmet Checks
  • May 13 - Edmonton Waste Management Field Trip 
  • May 17 - PD Day; No School 

    WOW! Thank you Robina Families for your hard work on our cakes! 
    Here are some snaps of some cake masterpieces! 

    We're soooo close to finishing James and the Giant Peach! We're planning to watch the film next Friday afternoon. The film is rated PG and if you would not like your child to watch the film, please email me with negative consent. 

    For our Talk About it Tuesday students buddy read poems from Shel Silverstein's A Light in the Attic. They chose poems that they could relate to and responded on KidBlog. 

    Our Cinquians are all done! Students did such a great job taking their time, and playing with form to enhance the visual appearance of their poems.

    Our Poetry focus was on Haikus this week. Haiku is a japanese poem that has a specific rule to its form based on syllables. Students worked through a HyperDoc to first study Haiku, learn how they are written and then create their own! Our complete collection of Haiku's can be found on this Google Slide. If you click on the little video icon, you can listen to your child read their Haiku! 

    Reader's Chair
    Peyton rocked reading Doreen Cronin's Click, Clack, Peep! 
    Next Week: Blake
    Students have been working through stations in small groups to practice division problems. We've been working on building the understanding and connection of multiplication to division to help solve division problems. We are going to continue with division practice next week.

    This week we looked at how objects emit and reflect light. We did an experiment in a dark room, trying to observe how we see objects (with light) and which type of objects emit light.

    Our focus this week has been on the different First Nations groups in Alberta. These groups have been in Alberta for thousands of years! Students spent some time looking on to learn about the languages of each group, where they were in Alberta and other interesting facts.

    PHYS. ED 
    We were so lucky, AGAIN, to have Coach Franco come to our class this week! Coach Franco spent time with the students discussing what a triatholon is (swimming, biking, running) and how they can do it in their own gym class! Of course, we had to get a bit creative and the kids absolutely LOVED IT!

    Check out our Class Story on ClassDojo to see the kids in ACTION!
    (you will need to have your parent account activated)

     Special Visitor to send us off into our weekend!

    Monday, 15 April 2019

    April 8 - 11

    A Few Reminders: 
    • April 18 - Cake Walk & Family Dance; The Cake Walk is a Grade 4 Fundraising event that takes place at the family dance. More details coming April 8th. 
    • April 19 - No School; Good Friday 
    • April 22 - No School; Easter Monday 
    • April 26 - Elder Florence Assembly
    We have had quite a special week! 
    We have had TWO visits to our classroom by professionals in their field! 

    Mr. Maltais visited our class to teach us how to do some MicroBit coding! This was extremely interesting, and such a valuable skill for students to learn. Students worked with a coding program to write their own code for an LED MicroBit. Using the program they lit up their MicroBit to display hearts, faces, and even dice numbers! 

    Students took the battle to the hall, for the highest number shaken! When writing the code, we can begin to have discussions surrounding probability, and the possible results. 

    Our second guest were nurses from Brain Waves! These ladies did an amazing job of teaching the kids all about their own brains! They worked through how the brain works with all of the sense and engaged in some fun experiments and activities! 
    Testing our taste buds. 
    Learning about the parts of our brain!

    We are hopping into Poetry! This week we have focused on the the Elements of Poetry including Figurative Language, Imagery, Word Choice, Ideas & Content and Voice.

    We have read through poems together, discussing the different parts to a poem, how to read a poem, and searching for poetic devices within a poem. Over the month, we will work on reading and responding to poems, making personal connections and using our senses. 

    To practice our alliteration ( a form of figurative language used to create imagery) we created our own Alphabet Alliteration Poem! This has us working with specific parts of speech - adjectives, nouns and verbs - to create some silly sentences!

    Pictures to Come!

    We also looked at how to write a Cinquain. Poetry is excellent, because it reinforces students to work on word choice, exploring new words, and builds a strong understanding the different parts of speech (adjectives, nouns, adverbs, etc) as they work through writing the poems. Cinquain is a type of poetry that uses specific rules in the form. 

    Our Partner Similes are done! I absolutely LOVE how they turned out. 

    We are continuing to work on basic facts with division. Students are using personal strategies to work through various division problems.

    We have also begun some practice with Long Division, and will continue this next week. 

    Students deepened their understanding of light sources, by sorting them into categories - Natural or Man Made. Using google drawings we created webs of each type of light source. 

    We are beginning to learn about Alberta's history, stories and people. This unit will focus on the history of First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples in Alberta. 

    Sunday, 7 April 2019

    April 1 - 5

    A Few Reminders: 

    • April 8 - Klondike Relays 
    • April 10 - Brain Waves Presentation
    • April 12 - PD Day - No School 
    • April 18 - Cake Walk & Family Dance; The Cake Walk is a Grade 4 Fundraising event that takes place at the family dance. More details coming April 8th. 
    • April 19 - No School; Good Friday 
    • April 22 - No School; Easter Monday 
    • April 26 - Elder Florence Assembly

    A week that starts off with a day at Rabbit Hill is the BEST kind of week! Here's a few snaps from the day!

    We are absolutely loving our novel study on James and the Giant Peach. We read through chapters aloud as a class, and continue to look at the vocabulary used in the book, work on our reading strategies, and answering comprehension questions.

    We even tried to embrace the spring weather by reading a few chapters outside!

    We have also started some work with figurative language. This is leading into our Poetry unit for the month of April - which just so happens to the National Poetry Month!

    Students were introduced to a few different types of figurative language; simile, metaphor, hyperbole and personification. 
    As students Read to Self this month, they are encouraged to look for examples of these in their books and add them to the board. 

    We read two books that were great examples of using similes! My Best Friend is as Sharp as a Pencil and My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks by Hanoch Piven. These books both use similes to describe characters, and then create funny portraits that show the descriptions.

    Image result for my dog is as smelly as dirty socksImage result for my best friend is as sharp as a pencil

    Students got together with partners and wrote similes about each other. /they were so sweet, kind and hilarious! Students typed up their partner similes about each other, and then began to draw! 

    The end results were nothing short of amazing! 

    Reader's Chair is new to our room! On library days, which are now Wednesdays, after our book exchange, students will take turns reading aloud a storybook to our class. This is a great way to explore different books by Authors. This month's author is Doreen Cronin.  

    We have begun our division unit. We discussed different strategies to solve division problems, such as dividing objects into groups, skip counting, addition and relating the problem to it's multiplication fact. 

    We have started a new unit - Lights & Shadows.  Students have been asked to bring a flashlight to school, so we are able to properly complete most of our experiments. 

    We kick started our unit off with a fact scavenger hunt! Students walked the halls, learning different facts about light energy. See if your child can tell you something interesting they learned! 

    Our first topic of discussion has been - What IS light? What are some light sources? 
    As a class, we brainstormed all the things we could think of that GIVE off light. These are considered light sources. 
    Next, we looked at two different types of light sources - Natural (ones that come from nature) and Man Made (ones that are produced by man). 

    With this information, students worked on creating a title page for our unit. 

    Students wrote a summary quiz on our Alberta - A Sense of the Land using google forms. 
    We will begin studying Alberta's past next week. 

    On Friday we wore jerseys of our favourite teams, and in memorium of the Humboldt Broncos. 
    It was so wonderful to see everyone wearing their teams colours with pride!

    The Evolution of a Group Photo in 4B