- Feb 11 - 13 - Skating Week )9:45 - 10:15 every morning.).
- Feb 14 - RMS Pancake Breakfast
- Feb 18 - Family Day No School
- Feb 19 - Spellathon Forms due. LISTS ARE HERE!
- Feb 22 - Wellness Day (pm)
- Feb 27 - Pink Shirt Day
Our Week in Review!
I read aloud an old favourite, Alexander and the Terrible, Nog Good, Very Bad day. This is a book I think every student can relate to at some point (myself included)! Once we read, we identified the different problems Alexander experienced in his day.
Then I asked the students to think of a part of the book that reminded them of a personal experience. This is how we make Text to Self connections. We ask questions such as:
- What does this story remind you of?
- Can you relate to the characters in the story?
- Does anything in this story remind you of your own life?
Students responded on Padlet, with an experience they related to explaining how and why.
We will continue to work on this skill independently during read to self time.
During KidBlog, we have begun to start Peer Review time. As a class, we created a rubric based on the descriptors.
We finished up Wheels & Levers! This is a quick informational unit with demonstrations. Students worked to take their own visual notes. The last couple of simple machines we looked at where Wedges and Pulleys! Students worked independently to determine the different types of Pulley Systems and added to their notes.
Once students have completed their work, we "spin the wheel" to Peer Review. The student selected reads their paragraph to the class, and we work together to edit and give them a verbal mark.
We have also started to work with word sums! This is part of our Morphology and Structured Word Inquiry work, where we work with word parts to discover the meaning for spelling. In previous months, we have gone over what different word parts are.
Students created word part cards, made up of base words, prefixes and suffixes and started making up some word sums!
As we introduce different prefixes and suffixes, we discuss their meaning
i.e. -ed added to the end of a word implies it is past tense and been done, whereas - ing implies that action is currently happening. We will continue to practice this skill, as we learn more spelling rules!
As a little brain breather, we have been working with time! Students have been working with how to tell time based on 12 and 24 hour clocks. They did great with counting minutes by 5, but really struggled when it came to counting minutes by 1!
We did a Kahoot to check in on their unit knowledge!
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