- Dec 10, 11, 12 - Kids Paint Days! Check Weekly update and email for sign up options.
- Dec. 11th - We are heading to Leduc #1! Please check PowerSchool for the online forms.
- Dec. 20th - Potter Cup Party!
- Dec. 21st - PJ and Stuffies movie afternoon.
All that hard work sure paid off! The Christmas Concert was absolutely wonderful! I was not able to snap pictures of the performance (as I was on ipad duty!) but here are a few snaps of the cuties before heading in!
They look SO GREAT!!!
This week we have been getting into the Christmas Spirit by reading various versions of T'was the Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore. While reading, we have been taking note to compare the characters and their relative setting. Each version the Santa is a little different, reindeer can be very different and they are directly related to where they take place. Below are the different versions we have read:

Now we are beginning to write our very own versions! Some working titles so far are: A Penguins Nights Before Christmas, A Unicorns Night Before Christmas and even an Albertan's Night Before Christmas!
We also have finished our Historical Fiction read aloud: Knights at the Kitchen Table by Jon Scieszka. This was an awesome book about three boys who get transported back in time to the middle ages!
After reading, we recapped the book taking notes on the important details: characters, setting, problem, solution and events. Students took this information and started a diary writing project. They retold the story, in diary format, as if they were there for the whole story! An of course, each one of us had to have a knight's name!
Here are some student samples:

Students have started addition! Using our newly acquired rounding skills, we started out with some estimating of sums. Students were given exact numbers, and rounded them to the nearest ten, hundred or thousand to complete the problem.
i.e. 619 + 768 = 600 + 800
Then we moved onto adding with 2 digits - which everyone did exceptional on! Some students needed reminders that we always start in the ones place, and move left as we solve.
There was some confusion about carrying, and we needed to do some refreshers on who we regroup ones to tens, tens to hundreds, and hundreds to thousands. This skill will come in handy when we start doing addition of 2 digit numbers with regrouping next week.
The Life Story of Packaging!
We have been learning all about how different packaging materials are made! So far students have taken notes and created flowcharts on the life of a carton and a glass bottle. Students created their flowcharts in google drawings and we able to add images to create posters!
Next week we will finish up with the life of a plastic bottle before we start our product flowchart project!
Students have been back to the research and learning about our next region - the Boreal Forest! Through reading passages, buddy reading textbooks, students have been filling in their graphic organizers collecting information.
Ask them about the Boreal Forests: vegetation, climate, landforms, animals, natural resources, jobs and daily life!
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