- Skating is Monday - Thursday next week. Please send students with skates, helmets and mitts. There will be some skates and helmets to borrow.
- Grade3 - India Culture day will be on Friday January 26th. Please check on Powerschool for forms.
Peter Bowers will be visiting our school for a Professional Development session on Thursday. Our class is one of the classes he will be working with! We are very excited!
January 29th is our first Ski Day for Grade 4's! Our day will look as follows:
Load bus
Bus leaves for Rabbit Hill
Bus arrives at Rabbit Hill
Load bus
Bus leaves for Robina Baker
Bus arrives at Robina Baker
- Edmonton Symphony (HMS Pinafore) is a Grade 4 field trip on February 1st. Please fill out the permission forms online.
We are revisiting Summarizing: knowing how ti find, organize, and retell important facts or story elements. I read aloud the book The Princess and the Pig to the students and we summarized the story using the "Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then" Model.
First we looked at these words and tried to decided how they related to the elements of a story (Characters, Setting, Problem, Solution). Then we discussed where in the story (beginning, middle and end) these elements showed up. When we retell a story, we want to only tell the important things, and ensure we tell them in sequence.
Students worked in pairs to summarize The Princess and the Pig in their own words.
As a warm up, we played a very fun game of Emotions Charades!
Students acted out emotions, and then we jotted down some of the actions that showed us that emotion (i.e. TVS biting his nails, with a frown on his face, shows us hes nervous!). After we had a bunch of different ways to describe emotions we took to writing.
Students transformed "Tell" sentences into "show" sentences!
It's time to Multiply! We introduced Mutliplication to the Grade 3's this week, and reinforced some facts with Grade 4.
The strategy of multiplication we focused on this week was repeated addition. It is important for the students to understand, when we are multiplying we are adding equal groups.
Students worked on turning repeated addition into multiplication number sentences, and vice versa.
Science 4:
We had a lot of experiments to check in on this week!
First stop - Which toilet paper decomposes the best?
Students observed their toilet paper samples a week later to see how they were holding up, and the winner was.... KIRKLAND brand!
We then regrouped and discussed what benefits this would have on our enviroment, and in our sewer systems.
Next Stop - Dig up the Lettuce!
Students dug up their lettuce leaf to see how it was holding up! This year our lettuce held out a little better than in the past! While it was still green, it seemed to have shrunk and had moisture taken from the lettuce. It also was weaker and had broken into smaller pieces.
We also held a week long experiment of garbage collection! We sorted out garbage all week into student created categories: Paper, Plastic, Paper recyclable, Organic and Foil waste. On Friday we weighed all our waste!
As a class, we had collective of 8.8 lbs of waste!
6.6 lb was organic waste, uneaten lunches and wasted food!
Plastic - was almost all used. Some items could be washed & reused for paint cups (fruit cups).
Paper - There was tons of paper with one side blank, or still usable in our paper waste! We created a scrap paper bin, where one sided paper can go and be used for drawing or math.
Foil - was almost all used. We could reuse some foil container from take out food once or twice more.
We can reduce our organic waste by creating a compost for banana peels, apple cores, etc.
Social 3
India day is next Friday!
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