- Friday Dec. 22nd is PJ & Stuffy Day!
- Last day of Classes is Dec. 22!
Our reading strategy of focus this week was Making Predictions: What is going to happen next? This differs from our inferring skills, as inferring is more about what is happening now, based on clues. Whereas, making predictions is mixing our background knowledge with text clues to guess what will happen next.
Again to introduce on KidBlog, we watched a fun video, called Carrot Crazy. I stopped the video at 2:58 and asked students - What do you think will happen next? It is important that when we make predictions we can support them with evidence from the media or text.
During class discussion, we used the visual of a crystal ball to talk about predictions. Thinking of fortune tellers, they tell us what will happen next. To reinforce our skills, I read the students the book Tuesday by David Wiesner. This is a book with mainly pictures, so this left open lots of room for predictions! This was a great way to have students using these skills in a non-intimidating way, through visuals and media.
As I read aloud from Fart Powder, students make predictions about our chapter. They will be reinforcing this skill during independent reading time next week.
Over the next month, we will be doing a little bit of an Author Study around Jan Brett. To kick off this study, we read The Mitten. This is a Ukranian folktale adapted by Jan Brett, about a group of animals squishing into a little mitten. We looked at the word adapted, and discussed how this means Jan did not create the story, but had changed it a bit. Well, this is a great idea! So we wrote our own adapted tales!

Using what we have learned from our JoAnne Moore sentence building, we wrote Adapted The Mitten stories. For every new animal that came into the story, they have to use one of our various sentence starters! The kiddos did awesome with this, and ended up creating some hilarious versions!
Adding and regrouping continues to be a skill everyone needs a bit a reinforcement in. Lot's of practice went on this week, as students worked to solve word problems, 3 digit and 4 digit problems. We had a check-in quiz on Wednesday, and results show that students are continuing to rush, missing instructions and not completing questions properly.
Next week, we will begin subtraction with regrouping.
Science 4
Students got to try their hand at Seesaw this week!
We have a class Seesaw which is a really cool app, where students can take pictures, record themselves speaking and draw on their images! To check out what we did, enter your parent codes (which will be sent home Monday) and visit Seesaw. It is also a downloadable app!
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