We have been busy bees in 3-4B!
A Few Reminders:
- Cross Country Meet is next Wednesday at Coloniale. Forms went home today with information on the meet.
- School Pictures on Sept. 27th.
- Terry Fox run is on Sept. 29th.
***WE ARE TAKING DONATIONS - If you have any old computer mice you no longer need, we would love them!
In Math, we are focusing on Patterns. We built up our math knowledge by practicing how to count on, count back and skip count. These skills help us when we work with patterns to find a pattern rule, extend a pattern, or create patterns.
The two types of patterns we have been looking at are number patterns that increase and decrease. Next week we will start to work with pattern rules and T Tables.
We start KidBlog this week!!! KidBlog is where we do our morning quick write. Each day follows a theme and relates to certain writing skills.
On Monday we write our Weekend Updates - This is a chance for students to work on journaling skills, developing sentence structure, descriptive writing and eventually will involve procedural writing as well.
Talk about it Tuesdays are where students are faced with a question - This week was "Which make a better pet: Cat or Dog?" Students will work on opinion writing - expressing preferences and adding supporting details.
WeSearch Wednesdays! This is a chance for students to explore our ORC - Online Resource Center and practice their research skills on thematic topics. This week we did some reading on endangered animals, so students took to the internet and research an endangered or extinct animals, answering provided questions.
Thursday we do a Week In Review, this give students a chance to reflect over their week and think about 3 things they learned, 2 things they liked and 1 question they might have going forward.
To see some samples, your child can take you on a tour by clicking here and logging in with their google account.
Grade 3's - In Science, we are beginning to explore Rocks and Minerals! This week students got the chance to take a peek at various kinds of rocks and brainstorm words to describe their feel(rough, smooth), look(shiny, glassy, dull) and colours.
Looks like the weather held out and they had an awesome afternoon!
Grade 4's - In Science, we are starting Lights & Shadows! Students have discussed what types of light sources we have in our world. Some are Man Made (lamps, flashlight, electronics, etc.) and some are Naturally occurring (Sun, Stars, Fireflies, etc).
Please send a flashlight to school with your child, as we will be using them for experiments later in the unit.
Have an awesome weekend!
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