That time is approaching... the time for our Annual Cake Walk at the Family Dance! On March 23rd, during the day and at the Family Dance we will be holding our Cake Walk Fundraiser!
This week we have begun our unit on Poetry in Language Arts. In this unit students will read poems, respond to poetry, experiment with writing their own poems. To introduce this unit I read aloud a few poems from Shel Silversteins, "
Where the Sidewalk Ends". While listening we compared the differences and similarities between poems, even with the same author. Next, we will practice reading poems and building our fluency.

If you have gotten the chance to check out our KidBlog, you may have noticed we have a theme to each day! Students have been working on paper this week for KidBlog, completing their daily quick-write. To tie in our Social Studies with KidBlog, we have been researching a different small town in Alberta (trying to hit each of the 6 regions). Usually, we look into communities that have "World's Largest..".

The students have been doing a really great job and taken a serious interest in their research! This week we looked into Frank, Alberta (the ghost town known for the Frank Slide in 1903) and I was so impressed with multiple kiddos who went beyond their assigned work and created an interesting facts web on the board!

As we work our way through multiplication strategies in Math, students are encouraged to use all the knowledge and tools we have been building throughout the year to solve problems. Our focus this week is on the standard algorithm of multiplication, multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit.
In Science, we are discussing the packaging of products and whether or not it is necessary!
We opened a package as a class on Monday, first looking at the box from the outside(packaging), guessing what could be inside (product) and then opening the packaging logging all the materials used and which raw materials may have been processed in the making. Once we opened this large box, we discovered it held ONE metal dust pan! Some of our discussion points included:
- Was all of the packaging necessary?
- How does it benefit the consumer?

- How does it benefit the product?
- How does it affect the environment? (use of raw materials, recycling, etc)
Students are encouraged to look at the products they open or use at home and their packaging. Using the discussion questions above, feel free to ask your child and encourage them to take pictures and bring them into class! We'd love to hear all about it!

On Tuesday we visited the Edmonton Waste Management center and got a first hand peek at how the waste is sorted in Edmonton. This was a great way to help the students make the connections from what we have learned about waste and recycling to real world
Inside the sorting center for recyclables! |

In Social we are finishing up our Natural Resources posters and students are beginning to present them to their peers. A lot of the students put a lot of effort into the research and posters, they're beautiful!
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