Friday, 13 January 2017

Welcome Back!

Welcome back! I hope everyone had an awesome time over the break!

Heads up! Our skating schedule has been finalized! Please click here to view our skating times Jan 23-26.

To participate in skating, all students need to wear CSA approved helmets (i.e. hockey helmets - students will need full cages if they would like to play shinny, downhill skiing helmets, horseback riding helmets, BUT absolutely NO BIKE HELMETS. 

Our school does have skates and helmets available to be borrowed by students should they not have skates that fit or a helmet meeting the CSA requirement. 

JACKETS ON! Please remind your child they must wear their outdoor jackets while skating. Gloves are also required (they keep fingers warm and offer protection!) Ski pants are encouraged.

We are in need of one off-ice supervisor to join us. If you are able to come to one or more of the dates/times please let me know ASAP. It will be a first come first serve basis.

As a way to share about our holiday break, we started a fun activity - TWEETS!
Students used a graphic organizer to organize their memories from their break in sequence. Then through peer editing, students read each other's worked and checkedfor grammar errors, spelling, capitalization of proper nouns and proper use of punctuation.

Once they had them planned, students worked with a template within google slides to create their own Twitter pages (these are not real pages online). They did a great job with this and are becoming quite the tech savvy bunch!!

In Math, we began talking about subtraction of numbers up to 10, 000. We worked with base ten blocks and manipulatives to solve subtraction problems, eventually working borrowing tens into our lessons as well. Some students are still working to understand this process and are encouraged to practice at home on Mathletics.

In Science, we started discussing our new unit - Waste and our World. A main focus for the next few weeks will be what waste is, how humans create waste and how we can reduce/improve our biological footprints.

In Social, we have been finishing and presenting our Alberta's Regions Projects. Students have been working on these since before the break and have been doing a great job presenting.

In Art, we did a guided drawing of a snowman! They turned out so unique and cute!

Reminder's for next week:

Jan 18 is Beach Day - Dress in your fun beach wear, keeping it school appropriate!

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