In Language Arts this week, we have been doing lots of reading comprehension. I have been working with students in small groups to assess understanding of sequence and recalling of information they have read.
Our spelling focus this week is on digraphs (ch, tch, sh, th) and where they can be found in a word. A digraph is where two (or more) letters make one sound. The students have been working through word sorts and their spelling sheets independently during Word Work in Daily 5. On Fridays, students complete their tests on Spelling City.
Our grammar focus this week and when to properly use possessive pronouns. These are pronouns that show ownership of an object by a noun.
One type of possessive pronoun stands alone, "The book is mine."
The second type comes before a noun, " That is my book."
To practice this skill, students paired up and were given a sticky with a possessive pronoun on it. Then they moved around the classroom, writing a sentence on their sticky using that pronoun and attaching it to the noun/object!
In Math, we have been working through math centers and practicing our basic facts. On Monday, I have the opportunity to attend a math games-based PD and it full of fun activities! I have taken some time to work with students in small groups and teach them a game called "Betweeners". Students are given anywhere from 2-5 dice, each one representing a certain place value. In groups of three, students roll their dice, and then try to arrange their dice to be an "in between" number. This means they're not trying to be the highest or the lowest! It really has them using their problem solving skills and mathematical process of comparing numbers.
In Science, we are continuing to discuss waste in our world and the ways human produce and process waste. As humans, waste is anything we have used and no longer need so we discard. This can then be sorted by waster, recyclable, waste and compost.
Students have learned that we recycle 4 different categories; paper, plastic, aluminum and glass. We also compost our organic waste in two possible ways - bin/pile or worm compost (vermiculture!).
In Social, we are digging deeper into our Natural Resources and how they make our province and its regions unique. They are able to identify the raw materials resources come from and where they can be found in our province.
Please make sure to check Powerschool for upcoming field trip permission forms! We have a lot going on in Feburary!