It has been a wonderful week for weather! It's been so nice to get our outdoor recess' back!
Quick Reminders:
Skating starts on Monday! Please ensure your child comes prepared with appropriate equipment!
Our skating schedule can be found on the Calendar tab of this blog.
Skiing! Our Ski Dates for Rabbit Hill will be Monday, February 13th and Monday, March 7th. More details on pricing will come closer to the date.
This Week ...
In Language Arts this week, our reading focus was to recognize that stories and writing follows a sequential order. We have worked on sequence in our personal writing, through our How To projects, so they did really great with this!
Writing this week, our focus on KidBlog was to start creating multiple paragraphs. When working on our Talk About it Tuesday this week, students expressed their opinion on which fictional school they would rather attend - Hogwarts or Bailey Elementary - based on books we have read aloud as a class. Students then worked with the O.R.E.O format to state their opinion, give valid reasons and add an explanation or example as to why their reason is valid. With this idea, students created multi-paragraph writing, with each paragraph having their own topic the supported their overall main opinion.
Here are some examples of student's work.
We also started spelling this week! On the side of our blog there will be updates of our grammar and spelling focus.
In Math this week, we have continued with our focus on Subtraction problems. We are reinforcing and practicing basic math skills to help us with borrowing and subtracting large numbers.
Students are encouraged to play games or use Mathletics to practice their basic facts at home.
In Social, the students are wrapping up their chapter and studying of the 6 Geographical Regions of Alberta. As a class, once students had presented their projects last week, we created study notes. This was an opportunity for students to build strong note-taking skills. We practiced basic studying strategies to help us prepare for our Regions quiz.
As a class, we reviewed our notes, determining what we thought was important information on a region. Afterwards, the students separated into their houses to play a quick quiz game to see what they could remember. Then came the quiz.
In Science, we started discussing - What is Waste? What types of Waste are there? and What do we do with it?

Students were asked to brainstorm all the types of waste they could think of and put it on a sticky, and then on the board.

As a group, we sorted the waste into 3 different categories. I then put those stickies on paper and asked the students to try and come up with a rule for all the types of waste on their page.
The rules they came up with were "Reusable Waste", "Non-Reusable Waste" and "Compost".
Through reading, we now know, there are various types of waste, and we would rename these groups: Recyclable, Organic (biodegradable) and Garbage(Solid/Liquid/Hazardous).
Have a great weekend everyone!