In Math, we are starting to work on our Number Sense. This so far has included building our understanding of the value each digit in a number represents.
For Example: 5 412
5 stands for 5000, or 5 thousands.
4 stands for 400. or 4 hundreds.
1 stands for 10, or 1 ten.
2 stands for 2, or 2 ones.
This means students need to have a strong understanding of place value (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands).
We have also been working on Mathletics! The students absolutely love this site and it is aligned with the Alberta Math Curriculum. There are lots of areas for the students to practice basic fact skills, as well as, review past units and upcoming units for the school year. This is a great way to have your child work on their math skills at home, as I am able to assign specific activities to the students to have them complete. Ask them to give you a tour of the site and different features they can explore!
we discussed the different types of lever classes. Each class has different features and placement of load, effort and fulcrum. Students did some reading comprehension on levers and then completed a sorting activity.
A Few Reminders:
- Next Friday is Jersey Day! Wear your favourite jersey!!
- Book Orders are due Nov. 28th
- Christmas Concert is Dec. 6th (Please let me know if your family is planning a vacation or if your child will be absent for this)
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