What a busy busy week!

In Math this week, we focused on subtraction sentences to 20. We started off by playing our Shake it Up game - but subtraction style! The students worked in pairs to come up with all the different subtraction sentences for 20 they could find.
We will continue to work on our basic math facts and relating addition and subtraction next week.

In Science, we have begun our Needs of Plants and Animals unit by discussing what the differences are between living and non living things. We know that living things need air, water and food, they can move and can reproduce. We had a guest visitor, Bubbles the fish in the class, and compared him to our plastic fish. Using our 5 senses (minus taste) we compared the two objects by their living and non living qualities.
In Social, we are continuing to talk about the differences between rural and urban communities. Looking at images, we sorted them on a venn diagram, where they would belong rural, urban or both(suburban).

With this in our minds, we tied it into our art this week. We did a guided drawing of a rural landscape! I was totally blown away with how amazing these kiddos did! We talked about what land features we would see, possible animals or buildings.

In Language Arts, we are finished our rough draft our of fairy tales! The next step is to use Google Slides to create E-books of our fairy tales!
This gave the students the opportunity to create their own story with a beginning, middle and ending. They created their own characters and setting and some of their Big Bad's are hilarious!
Daily 5 is still going great, with each week the students become so much more independent and have done amazing writing! I am always blown away by how much they have grown over the year.

Next week we start out
Snack Sale for the Stollery on May 17th. Thank you to those parents who have offered time and snacks! If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please let me know!
Also next week is our
Track Day on May 17th in the afternoon, please make sure your child is dressed for the weather, as we will be outside all afternoon.
May 19th we have our Talent Show! A few of our students are in it this year which is so exciting! It is in the afternoon from 1 - 1:45 pm.
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