Spring is here and it is warming up!

This week we have started a big focus on Fairy Tales in Language Arts. We have read 3 different versions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and compared their Story Elements (Titles, Character, Setting, Problem and Solution). We started off with
Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs.
Once we read the story we discussed the story elements. Each student was given a sticky and a story element to illustrate. Afterwards we practiced how to retell a story, including the beginning, middle and end.

Then we read
Goldie and the Three Bears, and practiced our letter writing skills. Each student wrote their own apology note to the bears for eating their food, breaking their chairs and sleeping in their beds. They did great!
In Daily 5, during Work on Writing they are learning how to retell a fairy tales using, Once upon a time, describing what happens
first in the beginning,
next in the middle and
finally at the end.
In Math, we worked on sorting 3D shapes based on one attribute in pairs. Students would create their own rule and sort their shapes.
We also spent some time on
10Monkeys Math World. Right now our school is in a competition and we have a free membership on the site. Students can practice number skills, patterns, shapes and time on this site.

In Science, we brought in our Goldilocks stories and read the original tale. In the original Goldilocks breaks baby bears chair! This was a great opportunity to talk about purpose of things we build. Students were directed to build a Chair for our Bear! They were shown a teddy and given lego to build a chair that would hold the bear, fit his bottom and not fall over. Then they drew and labelled their chair and its parts.

Then we looked at 10 of the tallest buildings in the world! When we looked at them we noted their shape and the materials they were made of. Afterwards, the students went to centers to see what materials would make the best towers out of, recycled materials, blocks, 3D Shapes, and small shape blocks.

In Social, we are moving into Me in My World! We read a short story about looking out windows and talked about all the different landscapes you could see. If we lived in India, what would we see out our window? Antarctica? Is it similar or different to ours? Students then worked in pairs and went to a window in the school to draw - what do you see?
Our first week of fundraising is going great! There are lots of quarters in our donation tin and some guesses have come pretty close!
Remember it is only 25c a guess and all proceeds go to the Stollery!
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