Thursday, 14 January 2016

Author's Chair - Students share what they read or wrote during Daily 5.
This week we have really been grooving into our Daily 5 routine. With the addition of Work on Writing the students we able to choose which they would like to work on first - Read to Self or Daily 5. It has been going great! The students have really taken responsibility for their learning and found a passion in reading and writing!
What does Daily 5 Look and Sound like in 1P?

In Math we have been continuing with our Patterns unit. Each student has been working on creating, copying and extending patterns. We have talked about the various pattern rules, ABAB, AABB, AAB, ABB, ABC, etc. They had some time to create their own patterns and take pictures! Check these out!


We were extremely lucky this week to have the Grade 3's visit us! The 3DM has spent a lot of time learning about the human ear this year and we're learning about senses so they came to our class to show us some experiments about sound. This was a great introduction to our focus on Hearing as our next sense.
Does sound travel through solids?

Does the amount of water change the pitch?
Does sound travel through water?

Ruler Sounds

Rubber band sounds

All about the Human Ear! How many parts does it have?

Monday Afternoon is our Lego Field trip! It is in the classroom and the cost is $8.00 per student. You can pay this cost online through powerschool, by cheque (East Elementary) or cash by Monday morning. 

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