This week to make our half moon letters we used our fingers in salt. We followed the directions and motions for each letter.
In Science this week we finished up our Creating Colour unit! We did a cool transferring colour experiment with paper towels and food colouring. We predicted what each colour match would create and let time tell!
As we left the experiment over night the water traveled up the paper towel and transferred into the middle cup (which was initially clear) and made a new colour! Now we have a beautiful rainbow of colours! Test your kiddos at home to see if they know their colour mixing!

We have now covered all our reading animal buddies (strategies) in class to help them with sounds out new words in their reading. Ever day I am so proud of how everyone is growing as readers!
In Math this week we focused on making doubles! You may have seen some of our doubles booklets come home! When we know our doubles facts it helps us solve similar math problems and become strong mathematical thinkers!
We started out the week with getting numbers and finding our doubles partner! Once they found their partner on paper they made their doubles math addition story and shared them with the class. We also made our booklets and played some math facts games!
In Social we discussed the differences between community (Leduc) and neighbourhood (Telford, Robinson, etc). This was a tough understanding for some of us, which is OK! The way I tried to explain it is, our community is a big puzzle and our neighbourhoods are the pieces that make it up! We talked about what we see in our neighbourhoods, such as, parks, grocery stores, schools and homes!
To wrap up the week with art we made magic carpets! This was a great way to show the students how oil pastels repel water! The art lesson was about all different types of lines. Straight, squiggly, loop y and many more! Using different lines they designed their magic carpets with oil pastels. Then using water colours they painted over the oil and like magic! their designs showed through!