We have also started a story writing project. We have read the book Charlie's Superhero Underpants, and the students are in the process of planning their own Superhero Clothing Story!
We started out discussing how all stories have beginnings, middles and ends. We went through our story and decided what happens in the beginning (Introduce characters, setting and problem) in the middle (the main events of the story) and the end (solution to the main problem). Some of their ideas are hilarious and I can't wait to hear their finished stories!

This week in Science we dreamed up some Dream Inventions! Now that we know about which materials work best for building certain objects, we designed some pretty wild inventions and described in writing what was special about each one!

We also went through some of our donated materials to see what we could think to build with them. Thank so much for everything that has been sent in!
In our class we had Grade 1 orientation for the kindergartens this week! They came into our class and our ones got to have fun in kindergarten again! It went really well, I can't wait to get to know these kiddos next year!
Just a couple reminders:
June 16th - Devonian Gardens Field Trip (we have two volunteers so far and could have a couple more if anyone is available, email me.)
- We will be outside most of the day so make sure to pre-sunscreen and pack a hat.
- Wear comfy shoes!
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