Friday, 17 April 2015

Roaring like Dinosaurs!

What a wonderful and busy week! Swimming has been keeping us active in the afternoons and hungry! We have really been appreciating the extra snack in the afternoon. :) This was our last week of swimming!

We're roaring for dinosaurs! Monday morning I had *found* an enormous egg in my backyard! We looked at the egg and made some inferences and guess as to what might be in it based on how it looked! Some of the guesses were hilarious (Tigers, Alligators, or Monkies)! Then I started to give them clues and we drew our new inferences. Later when we checked the egg we had a new class member, CHOMPY!

What We Know and What We Wonder About Dinosaurs!
To help us tap into our previous knowledge of dinosaurs we made a chart of what we already know and some wonders we might have. Throughout the week we have read both fiction and non-fiction books about dinosaurs.

This week in Math we looked at Number recipes, the many ways to make a number! This included tallies, words, drawing objects, filling ten frames, and number sentences! The students got to try out Roll & Draw, where they have two dice to create a number and then show that number in as many ways as they can!

We have been Making 10 all week! To practice this mental math strategy we have been working with Unifex cubes to find which number buddies make 10! (1 and 9 are buddies, 2 and 8 are buddies, etc...) We have coloured some rainbows and played Dinosaur True or False in Math Centers time. We We even made homes for all our Making Ten Facts Families!

This unit in Social  is all about our families and communities in the past. This week we discussed what Past, Present and Future meant and some things that we would see in each category. It was pretty crazy for them to imagine a world without TV's, radios and Ipads!

We got the chance to peek inside a bean seed this week in Science! After soaking a bean we could split it open and look at the little root that began to grow, two little leaves, and where the plant food is kept. After we drew pictures of what plant we would like to grow one day!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!

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