Graphing the results |
We started off the week making a graph in math of our dinosaur art! Last week we read the two books, "Can I Have a Stegasurus, Mom, Please?" and "Can I have a T-rex, Dad, Please?". We talked about what dinosaur they would like and what they would do with them. In art, chose a herbivore or a carnivore (Stegasaurus or T-rex) and decorated their creature with stripes or spots! We added them to our Dino Walls. Aren't they great!
Our Dinosaurs! |
With our Language Arts focus on Dinosaurs we have explored Non-Fiction and Fiction books about dinosaurs. After reading some Non-Fiction about T-Rex's we wrote some T- Rex Similes. Using fun non-standard units we estimated "a T-Rex was as tall as.." a bunch of crazy ideas!
A T-Rex is as tall as a giant oak tree! |
On Earth Day we took some time to make a list of 10 things we could to do help our Earth. They came up with some wonderful ideas as a class. In the afternoon we buddied up with Grade 2 and set out to clean up the school yard!
We braved some strong winds! |
If you are missing the forms for the project you can click here.
In Science we watered some bean seeds and are watching them grow! In groups we are observing our bean every 4 days to see what changes have happened. Only one bean has sprouted a little root so far but our scientist are hopeful!
Have a wonderfully long weekend!