Thursday, 28 June 2018

School's OUT for SUMMER!

The past few week have been a whirlwind of fun, work and adventures! 

The Grade 4's had an amazing time at Camp Warwa, even with a little rain! I have emailed a link to all parents to check out photos from our awesome trip. Please let me know if you didn't get it. 

Grade 3's went on their won adventure to the U of A Botanical gardens searching for various creatures in their life cycles! 

We had Fun Day on Monday (what an awesome rhyme!) and the kids had an absolute blast! We could not have asked for nicer weather! 
Here is a couple of shots from the RBES photobooth!

We've also been splashing around in the pool for Free Swim. I even have joined the kids this week.

 Students have been working away hard on their memory books this week. They are using google slides to create a book, inserting pictures from the year, and writing about their favourite parts of every month. They are turning out colourful and great! Keep an eye out for them coming home Wednesday. 

Tuesday was our FINAL Potter Party! Congratulations ...
Thank you Kelly Family for sending us some Butterbeer!! We enjoyed it while kicking back, and watching our movie! 

Farewell Grade 4's! 
You will be so missed, and I wish you all the best next year! 
Come back and Visit!
Athlete's of the Year!

Goodbye Miss Betty! Enjoy your retirement!

Here is our Slideshow for Grade 4's! 

A Note From the Office
The first day of school is on Tuesday, September 4.  This will be a full day. Please call the school if your child is going to be absent that first morning. This is very important as we juggle changes in our registration numbers on that first day.

School supply information can be found on our website at   You can order packages throughout the summer, however, there is an additional charge of $5 after August 1, 2018.

Additional Summer and September Information can be found on our website on our home page.

During the summer, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Principal, Mrs. Kloschinsky, by email:

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Fairy Tales, Fractions, and a little bit of FUN!

We have a lot of events coming up!
 Please keep an eye on the weekly updates from school, and our calendar.

A Few Reminders: 
Camp Warwa is coming up! We will be staying over June 14 - 15th. 

Grade 3's go to the U of A gardens on June 14th. 

Volunteer Appreciation is June 19th. 

Free Swim days are June 25-27th. 

Grade 4 Farewell & Whole School Final Asse,bly June 27th (PM)


We are working so hard on putting all our writing skills we worked on this year into our fairy tales! Students have been working, bit by bit, and you may have gotten a sneak peak if they came home! 
When we had some nice weather last week, we even took some time to write outside! 

When it came time to work on our dialogue in our story, we brainstormed words that could replace "said" - because haven't you heard? Said is Dead! As writers, we want to hook the reader, keep them reader, and not sound like a broken record of "he said, she said". 

As student finished their rough copies, they took time to read to a peer and make their own edits for spelling, adding more detail or changing a "said". It was great to hear the conversations of suggestions and compliments! 

Students are still working to type their stories out, create their title pages. Here are a few finished products! 

Over the past two week, students have been working on Fractions in Math. We discussed how we determine the numerator and denominator, and what meaning each holds. 
To introduce the unit we did a paper cutting activity, turning a whole circle into various fractions step by step. 

This helped students make the connection that a fraction represents parts of a whole (and we may have referred to pizza eating a few times!)

We worked through our circle cutting, and paper folding activities to name fractions as well.

Students have worked on ordering and comparing fractions based on their numerator, with a common denominator. 

We discussed how when we start to get a larger denominator each unit fraction is actually a smaller portion. 

Think of sharing a chocolate bar, equally, with 2 people - each of you would get 1/2. 

If you were to share the same chocolate bar (whole) with 5 friends - each of you would get 1/5. 
Which piece would you rather have? 

Science 4 
Students are putting their WeSearch Wednesday skills to the test! As we begin our unit on Plant Growth and Changes, students have been working through research slides to answer some key questions: 

We have been working as a group to create paragraphs the describe the main idea of a non-fiction through research. 

Science 3 
Watching our butterflies grow has been so exciting! 
As we work through our Animal Life Cycles unit, we are observing the growth of our little friends at each stage. 
They grow up so fast!! 

Soon enough, these little guys formed into their Chrysalis! 

This week we had a little guy come out of their chrysalis! I hope they like watermelon!

We have also been reading and researching about animal classifications and the differences between life cycles. Butterflies are part of a complete metamorphosis life cycle, as they involve a pupa and larvae. But not all animals have this stage, and therefore have incomplete metamorphosis life cycles. And example would be chickens, as they hatch from an egg and grow from infant to adult without a complete change. 
When it comes to looking at animal classifications, we looked at various animals and their features. Using images, and a flowchart, we compared how they move, live and their body features. 

We also looked at the life cycles of Sea Turtles, Chickens and Salmon. 
Students worked in pairs or a reading project and drew up the life cycles of different birds (penguins, woodpeckers, owls and cardinals). 

Social 3
Dyakuyu Ukraine! 
We enjoyed our Ukrainian lunch as a classroom family! Thank you to all the volunteers who helped cook for us!

We are beginning to look at Peru, our final country! This country is in South America and students are working with National Geographic to read all about Peru's land, climate and people. 

Newsies by John Maland's drama department was awesome! Everyone was so engaged the entire time and really enjoyed this musical! 

Wellness Day was another success! Students spent the afternoon enjoying nature, calm activities, expression through various arts and outdoor fun!