Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Our Last 3 Weeks

Well, this year definitely flew by and has been full of so many wonderful memories. 

In these past 3 weeks, we have been so lucky to enjoy Swimming, Camping and House Cup! 

Swimming Lessons were full of hot and sunny weather, we seemed to hit the perfect weather pocket each day! 

Camp Warwa was a complete success!!!! I think absolutely everyone enjoyed the outdoors, campfires, activities and of course S'MORES. 

While at Warwa, students got to experience a Vertical Playground and Climbing Wall, and be part of a belay team for each other! This was awesome to see all students from across the classes support each other with shouts of encouragement and LITERALLY support them by holding onto the belay ropes! 

Another station everyone loved was ARCHERY! I was beyond impressed with every kiddos focus and determination to hit that bullseye!

Next Up Low Ropes & Group Challenge. Again these were areas where we really saw some leaders start to shine! Every challenge had to be a whole group effort and focused on Safety FIRST!

Our first day ended with a campfire round of s'mores, singing, drama and story time. 

I think they liked their bunks! 

Click here to see our album from Camp Warwa. 

In class, we have still managed to get some learning done! In Math we have been exploring measurement of cm to mm and how to convert measurements. This is a tough concept for some to grasp still, working with multiplying and dividing by 10. 

In Science we finished up our Lights and Shadows unit and spent some time exploring Kaleidoscopes! 

In Language Arts we wrapped up our KidBlog writing, thinking about all the fun memories we have had in Grade 4. Students wrote about what their favourite part of Grade 4 was and why. 
They also wrote a review on Camp Warwa, and decided if they would reccommend it to next years Grade 4's or not. 
Our House Cup winners this term were...........
RAVENCLAW! Congratulations!!!!

We started off our afternoon with some AMAZING SNACKS provided by our awesome parents. Mrs. DG has outdone herself again, creating Weasley's Skiving SnackBoxes! 

While watching our movie, students worked on their own "House Bracelets" choosing the colours of their favourite houses, they created bracelets to take home with them. 

I cannot believe that our year has come to a close, I hope all these kiddos the best next year at RMS in Grade 5! I WILL MISS THEM SO MUCH. 

A Note from the Office:
We hope you have a great summer and we look forward to seeing everyone again in September!  You will receive an email from your child’s new teacher in August.

The first day of school is on Tuesday, September 5.  This will be a full day. Please call the school if your child is going to be absent that first morning. This is very important as we juggle changes in our registration numbers on that first day.

School supply information can be found on our website at    http://rbes.blackgold.ca/parents/school-supplies/   You can order packages throughout the summer, however, there is an additional charge of $5 after the August long weekend.

Additional Summer and September Information can be found on our website on our home page.

During the summer, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Principal, Mrs. Kloschinsky, by email:kathy.kloschinsky@blackgold.ca

Friday, 9 June 2017

Lights, Shadows, ACTION!

The weeks are flying by as our year is coming to an end!

Camp Warwa is in less than two weeks! Please check last weeks post for a packing list as to what your child needs to bring.

Swimming starts next week! Please ensure your child comes to school with their swim gear, we will be swimming from 12:30 - 1:30 pm every day.

Our Grade 4 drama students did an amazing job with their performances on Thursday! They put on two shows for all the classes and I was blown away! All that hard work sure paid off!

This week, we have begun a self guided research project on Plants; Growth and Changes. Students will be digging deep into research through various media to create a slide presentation on plants, their parts and purpose, importance to humans and specific plants that require special care. 

With Math, we have begun to convert our fractions of tenths into decimals. This is a bit of a difficult concept for students to grasp at first, as we bring place value back into our conversations. 

 We also started adding decimals together, which will sometimes create a new whole. 

for example: 0.3 + 0.4 = 0.7 
We keep a zero, because adding our tenths together, we still do not have enough to make one whole. 

However: 0.5 = 0.6 = 1.1
If we were to fill in a tens rod, we would have 1 full whole plus one more tenth. Sow we know have 1 and 1 tenth. 

Next week we will wrap up with hundredths, a review and quiz on our fractions to decimals unit. 

In Science this week, we have continued to work with how light refracts, and how the distance of a light source effects the size, shape and darkness of a shadow. Students worked through experiments to see how concave and convex lenses affect light beams and how they alter images. 

Friday, 2 June 2017

Fur Trades and Refraction!

Today our Parent letter for Camp Warwa was sent home. If you missed it, you can find it here!

The past two weeks have gone by so fast!! We have been busy busy busy, as usual, and even had some exciting visitors!

Our First visitor came on Tuesday, a Fur Trader! Tuesday afternoon, the students walked into the class to find a Fur Trade Post set up, and a Fur Trader who shared the tales of how the Fur Trade came to be, who was involved, and how the system would have worked. They even got to see real furs and act out some trade situations!

Our next visitor was just as exciting, if not more! Joe Lomnicki, former Edmonton Eskimo, came and worked with all the Grade 4's on some breathing, relaxing, and yoga! Joe has a different style when it comes to yoga, and we are excited to have him back in the last few weeks of school!

In Language Arts this week, our spelling focus has been on plural and singular forms of common irregular nouns. This was a nice review from our grammar lessons earlier in the year, and it was interesting to see how much the students remembered! 

We also continued with quotations, and how to use them in dialogue. We experimented with some reader's theatre activities and students had some time to write their own dialogue during Daily 5.

In Math, we are continuing with fractions and spent some time comparing and ordering fractions. A couple of the key understandings we discussed are:

In Science, we have been working on lots of different experiments around bending and refracting light! First, we used a prism to separate white light into the visible spectrum. Using the projector light, we were able to spot the rainbows around the room!

Next we looked at how light refracts (bends) as it passes through different densities. One way to observe this over the summer is looking at your legs when you're in the pool! They look a bit different, as the light passes through the water is bends and changes how you see objects!

Then we used a bowl of water to change the pathway of light! This allowed us to see the light beams crossing and changing direction.

After, we checked what materials make good reflectors! After testing out various objects and materials, we decided the best qualities for reflecting are: shiny, metallic, flat.

A Few Reminders:
  • Track Day is Tuesday, June 6th. 
  • Drama Performances June 8th (day) and June 12 (evening). 
  • Swimming is the week of June 12th
  • Devon Days are coming!Students are invited to walk in the parade on Saturday, June 10th.