Well, this year definitely flew by and has been full of so many wonderful memories.
In these past 3 weeks, we have been so lucky to enjoy Swimming, Camping and House Cup!
Swimming Lessons were full of hot and sunny weather, we seemed to hit the perfect weather pocket each day!
Camp Warwa was a complete success!!!! I think absolutely everyone enjoyed the outdoors, campfires, activities and of course S'MORES.
While at Warwa, students got to experience a Vertical Playground and Climbing Wall, and be part of a belay team for each other! This was awesome to see all students from across the classes support each other with shouts of encouragement and LITERALLY support them by holding onto the belay ropes!
Another station everyone loved was ARCHERY! I was beyond impressed with every kiddos focus and determination to hit that bullseye!
Next Up Low Ropes & Group Challenge. Again these were areas where we really saw some leaders start to shine! Every challenge had to be a whole group effort and focused on Safety FIRST!
Our first day ended with a campfire round of s'mores, singing, drama and story time.
I think they liked their bunks!
Click here to see our album from Camp Warwa.
In class, we have still managed to get some learning done! In Math we have been exploring measurement of cm to mm and how to convert measurements. This is a tough concept for some to grasp still, working with multiplying and dividing by 10.
In Science we finished up our Lights and Shadows unit and spent some time exploring Kaleidoscopes!
In Language Arts we wrapped up our KidBlog writing, thinking about all the fun memories we have had in Grade 4. Students wrote about what their favourite part of Grade 4 was and why.
They also wrote a review on Camp Warwa, and decided if they would reccommend it to next years Grade 4's or not.
RAVENCLAW! Congratulations!!!!
We started off our afternoon with some AMAZING SNACKS provided by our awesome parents. Mrs. DG has outdone herself again, creating Weasley's Skiving SnackBoxes!
While watching our movie, students worked on their own "House Bracelets" choosing the colours of their favourite houses, they created bracelets to take home with them.
I cannot believe that our year has come to a close, I hope all these kiddos the best next year at RMS in Grade 5! I WILL MISS THEM SO MUCH.
A Note from the Office:
We hope you have a great summer and we look forward to seeing everyone again in September! You will receive an email from your child’s new teacher in August.
The first day of school is on Tuesday, September 5. This will be a full day. Please call the school if your child is going to be absent that first morning. This is very important as we juggle changes in our registration numbers on that first day.
School supply information can be found on our website at http://rbes.blackgold.ca/ parents/school-supplies/ You can order packages throughout the summer, however, there is an additional charge of $5 after the August long weekend.
Additional Summer and September Information can be found on our website on our home page.
During the summer, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Principal, Mrs. Kloschinsky, by email:kathy.kloschinsky@blackgold.ca